
WARNING - Do no do business with 'superbowldotcom'

Spaceship Spaceship
This is a warning to all my fellow NP'ers about a non-paying member who is also a cheat and a liar.

Lee Hart (aka 'superbowldotcom') posted this request back on the 12th March asking for somebody to help install a directory script on his domain (nice name btw Lee!). Now installaing scripts etc is not my main line of business and something that I do more to help people out. On many occassions I have simply talked to people on MSN/ICQ and walked them through how to do something but in this case Lee was inistent that I do it and he offered to pay $50.

The script I suggested was CPLinks ( which is a free script that generates static html pages so it's great for the search engines. It's also a script I've installed maybe 40-50 times over the years.

I installed it vey quickly as it's actually a very easy install as anybody who's ever done it will agree. I even found a hack for him that would make it easier to change the templates as he seemed worried about that.

Well after I'd done it I checked with him that it was ok and he verified it was (I have the complete log files of all our chats, PM's and emails to prove anything I'm saying here). About a day later I noticed that he'd added some link and was obviously testing it out. Still had the default look but I figured he'd get round to changing it eventually. Next time I checked which was about 4-5 days later he'd removed all the links and started to put up odd looking links that seemed to make no sense and he'd obviously started to modify the templates becasue it was screwed and was running off to the right of the screen causing one to scroll horizontally. In short it looked awful.

Here's a portion of the frist chat with Lee after I'd installed it where he's asking for some time to pay me the $50 (this should have been my first warning of what was about to happen).

SteveF: you need to move it to your local machine, then unzip it
Leeroy: ok
Leeroy: do i need to out the unziped file back in or not
SteveF: dont' follow you?
Leeroy: the thing i have just unziped
Leeroy: or just to read the read me
SteveF: you'll need to unzip the whole thing then read the readme.txt, upload the couple of files that are in there and follow the instructions.
Leeroy: ok cheers
SteveF: np
SteveF: You all set now Lee? It's getting kind of late over here and I'll be off to bed soon.
Leeroy: Yeah thanks mate shoule be ok
Leeroy: ill get the money to you wednesday
Leeroy: thanks
SteveF: ok, good luck and if you need me just leave a message ;)

Well to cut a long story short, Wednesday came and went. I tried to contact him via MSN and email for a few days to see if there was something wrong. He didn't reply. Finally after IM's, PM's and a few emails he responded saying he was sorry and would get the cash to me that day. Again no payment was forthcoming. I tried again to get hold of him and finally, after almost 3 weeks of no payment, had to resort to warning him that if he did not pay me the money for the work I had done as agreed I would have to report him to RJ and post a warning.

He came back to me very quickly saying that he was very 'bizzzzzy' (sic) and that I was not the most important thing on his mind and he would pay me when he damn well pleased. That's about the time I involved RJ in this matter.

This is where the story turns laughable. After weeks of promises etc he turns round and tells me that he's NOT paying me! And his reason? Becaue I did a terrible job and the script had numerous errors and caused him to take down his site. Not once in 3 weeks did he ever mention anything about these so-called 'problems'. Why? Because they didn't exist that's why.

This is getting way too long now and if Lee would like to respond I'll have plenty more to say for sure.

[/insult removed]

Thanks for your time.

Steve Fleming (aka LuxInterior)

PS: He's trying to get another sucker in this thread at the moment:
PPS: You may want to consider putting your real contact details in the whois records for your domain name ( as it's an offence to do otherwise.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
collieri said:
Regardless of hom emotive you must feel about the situation, please dont use this forum to vent cheap personal insults...

This will only serve to undermine your position.

Good luck to both of you in resolving this unfortunate dispute...

I would also suggest that others, not aware of the facts, do not become embroiled in this issue.....

Jm $0.02 worth

collieri - Thanks very much for your opinion and I do take your point. I originally posted this thread as a warning to you and the other board members about this guy and his dubious 'business' practices. I might add that this was after numerous attempts to resolve it amicably in IM's, emails and PM's. During all those exchanges I was nothing but polite and professional. I lost my normal calm composure when after almost 3 weeks of trying to get it sorted out I was told in no uncertain terms that I would not be getting paid and (and this is where I really lost it) the reason was because my work was substandard.

Now to you and anybody else reading this I would just like to say that I have been an Internet professional for almost 10 years. That is to say that this is how I earn my living and when somebody takes a 'cheap shot' at my livelyhood I tend to get a bit pissed. If any of my clients would ever have any problems with my work I move heaven and earth to make sure its fixed. The fact is that Lee didn't even attempt to let me fix the 'problems' because there never were any problems.

I consulted with RJ and Armstrong for many days before even posting this thread and did so with there blessing.

As I say I do accept your point but unfortunatlely I can not promise that it will be the last time I 'take cheap shots' in this or any other post where my professionalism is called into question.

I hope you understand.


this has happened to me many of times, last time it happened, i found the persons host, even after the files were gone, i reported them and there account was frozen until i got paid, they never paid and there account got terminated, you cant win with people like this, dont let it bother you, there worthless cr@p, and also, if hes lying, what would he have to gain from it?
luxinterior said:
collieri - Thanks very much for your opinion and I do take your point. I originally posted this thread as a warning to you and the other board members about this guy and his dubious 'business' practices. I might add that this was after numerous attempts to resolve it amicably in IM's, emails and PM's. During all those exchanges I was nothing but polite and professional. I lost my normal calm composure when after almost 3 weeks of trying to get it sorted out I was told in no uncertain terms that I would not be getting paid and (and this is where I really lost it) the reason was because my work was substandard.

Now to you and anybody else reading this I would just like to say that I have been an Internet professional for almost 10 years. That is to say that this is how I earn my living and when somebody takes a 'cheap shot' at my livelyhood I tend to get a bit pissed. If any of my clients would ever have any problems with my work I move heaven and earth to make sure its fixed. The fact is that Lee didn't even attempt to let me fix the 'problems' because there never were any problems.

I consulted with RJ and Armstrong for many days before even posting this thread and did so with there blessing.

As I say I do accept your point but unfortunatlely I can not promise that it will be the last time I 'take cheap shots' in this or any other post where my professionalism is called into question.

I hope you understand.



Your work was not up to it. In fact the job you did for me was shit. if there was no problem i would not have taken your work down full stop. The fact is the job you did was shit now you are trying to make me look bad which is quite funny. I am not saying you are shit at your job you do nor am i saying you mess jobs up all the time i am just saying you messed the job you did for me up. I have no reason to lie over this i am not gaining in any way from this.
your gaining not paying $50, anyway, ill shutup, i dont KNOW for SURE the full facts
fair comments Lux and I truly understand you feelings if you feel your professional integrity has in some way been compromised...

Perhaps you might like to post an url of some other work youve done. And state how in fact the work you did for this other chap differed in some way.. i.e. Was it harder, easier, simpler to fix (if youd been asked) etc etc

Also perhaps you might post what in fact it would take for you to accept as resolution in this matter... 50% payment / apology ..???

Sorry, dont let it seem I'm doing contrary to what I put earlier about getting involved and please, accept my comments purely as suggestions, but i just feel it would be nice to see 2 active and clearly professional members resolve (what started as) a minor dispute before it gets any further out of hand...

Good luck to you both regardless.......
xtreme-forums said:
your gaining not paying $50, anyway, ill shutup, i dont KNOW for SURE the full facts

I am gaining not paying him the $50 ? What do you want me to pay him for messing up a job.

fair comments Lux and I truly understand you feelings if you feel your professional integrity has in some way been compromised...

Perhaps you might like to post an url of some other work youve done. And state how in fact the work you did for this other chap differed in some way.. i.e. Was it harder, easier, simpler to fix (if youd been asked) etc etc

Also perhaps you might post what in fact it would take for you to accept as resolution in this matter... 50% payment / apology ..???

Sorry, dont let it seem I'm doing contrary to what I put earlier about getting involved and please, accept my comments purely as suggestions, but i just feel it would be nice to see 2 active and clearly professional members resolve (what started as) a minor dispute before it gets any further out of hand...

Good luck to you both regardless.......

I agree.
collieri said:
fair comments Lux and I truly understand you feelings if you feel your professional integrity has in some way been compromised...

Perhaps you might like to post an url of some other work youve done. And state how in fact the work you did for this other chap differed in some way.. i.e. Was it harder, easier, simpler to fix (if youd been asked) etc etc

Also perhaps you might post what in fact it would take for you to accept as resolution in this matter... 50% payment / apology ..???

Sorry, dont let it seem I'm doing contrary to what I put earlier about getting involved and please, accept my comments purely as suggestions, but i just feel it would be nice to see 2 active and clearly professional members resolve (what started as) a minor dispute before it gets any further out of hand...

Good luck to you both regardless.......

collieri - As I stated in my OP this script installation was totally routine and something I've installed without any problems maybe 40-50 times. Coincidentaly I installed exactly the same script (cplinks is the script btw) about a week after Lee's one and as I'm putting another site together showcasing my script installation services as well as bespoke programming I asked her for a testimonial. This is what she wrote about me and my service...

"Steve has been a tremendous help with the script work he has done for me. Quick and very talented but above all, very patient working with me and my very limited understanding of scripts and html. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants quality, friendly service on their web projects! Thank you Steve, its been a pleasure to work with you." Jesse -

I've not added the link to her site as this is a public forum but if anybody is interested I'll be happy to let them have it (after I confirm it's ok with her first of course).

While I don't normally solicit testimonials I have been doing recently so that I can include them on my site and I have one from John over at complementing me on the Adsense hack I supplied and installed for him.

My point being there is nothing 'harder, easier, simpler to fix' about this script and as I've said already it's probably one of the easiest scripts I install.

As for your question about resolving this issue, I already have. I will never work with Lee again and I would encourage others to do the same. Resolved.


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This all comes down to your bad work if you had done a good job i would be happy to pay you. As it is you did a realy bad job now i need to find some one else to do the same job. I wanted/want a link directory web site there for why would i lie about this and remove your work when it is what i am looking for. I will also ask the 2 members of name pros that i have given a job working in are office to post here and give you all a reference about my willingness to help others by giving them jobs and also the ease they will get the cash from me each and every week they are working for me.
Oh dear..can we resolve this with a 'win win' situation.
And I think the moderator should resolve this disputes.
Lux, personally, I feel if Lee is still unhappy with the code you provided, work with him until it works the way he had envisioned it to work.

Lee, you have to give Lux a fighting chance to do the work and not give up after the first sign of trouble.

You both made a verbal contract and you both owe one another something. Lux owes 'GOOD CODE' and Lee owes '$50'... Pretty simple people! So, even though your both boiled about one another, suck up your pride, get back in contact and finish the contract you both agreed on!

When you finish, you may go your separate ways with a lesson that has been learned. (For both of you.)
lol..can you stop calling him "Lee" and use his forum name!! Im gettin a complex here! :o
I know this is a heated topic, but let's keep our cool. Permission was granted to post this thread on condition it was to be kept factual, so insults are not appriopriate. Superbowldotcom was given fair warning by me that this thread was likely to be forthcoming.

We as mods tried for a week to resolve this dispute. I believe there was a contract between the parties here that luxinterior would be paid $50 for performing the installation services. The job was done and no indication of any problems with the work. Superbowldotcom implied on several occasions that he inteded to pay luxinterior. 11 days after the work, he said to lux that was too busy to pay and that he would do so soon. Upon my first contact with superbowl several days after that, he said he had forgotten.

No mention of errors was made until well after the fact and no evidence or description was supplied about the error messages. Superbowl would not allow lux to see the problems or allow him to fix them.

At best, superbowldotcom is guilty of poor communication and not inspecting a job before accepting it, and the agreed upon sum should have been paid. I still hold out hope that this dispute may be resolved somehow.
thanks for the explaination is gives clear picture of whats is going on!

i hope this the end of the saga!!
I can vouch on multiple occasions that Lux has always fulfilled and exceeded the call of duty with every project I've hired him for. If there ever were additional tweaks I wanted, he even did that free of charge.
There's no doubt in my mind, nor should there be any doubt in anyone's mind exactly what occurred here. Of course, SuperBowl's choice of lexicon should make it evident that he's protesting a little too much to be innocent of anything.
I can understand the Lux's position because I've been there myself, more often than I'd like to remember. If I put out energy and resources for someone else's benefit, I want to be compensated and benefited myself, and I will fight for that compensation whether it be $5.00 or $5,000. If I'm the buyer, I had better stay on top of what I'm purchasing and keep in close touch with the person who has performed the service for me.

The central issue here, is simple- the buyer allowed too much time to pass w/o either communicating or paying, regardless of whether or not he likes and/or can use the work. A designer can't fix something if he doesn't know what to fix, and after a week or two elapses, it's not fair to ask him to switch gears and start up on something again w/o further pmt. Super, for whatever reason, you dropped the ball and you are stuck.

With no judgement or assignment of guilt attached, I suspect that somewhere along the line, there was a clash in attitudes, a little game of "who's goes the farthest" began, and from the buyers perspective, it's tough to shell out because the feeling is that you are not only loosing some money, but, more importantly you are loosing the battle of wills, and the battle over principle.

If I were in your position, I would accept the fact that I will pay, either w/ money or reputation, keep my ego at bay for the moment, admit that Iscrewed up by not staying on top of things, forget about who's reasons are right and who's are wrong, and get out of this situation as gracefully as I could. You can salvage your reputatation- nobody is going to think less of you if you shift gears and admit you could have done a better job w/ the situation, you usually do a better job, you're not happy about it, it's a bummer but, OK, I don't like it, I feel wronged, but in the end, I am responsible, and here's the payment. Than, everyone can go home and we can close this thread. Shaking hands is preferable, but not required. That's my best shot.
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Well said and I agree completely.
rharpe said:
Lee, you have to give Lux a fighting chance to do the work and not give up after the first sign of trouble.

Exactly, that's what i have been trying to explain to him in the first 2 pages of this topic :bingo: but then he keeps making assumptions that Lux will do the job wrong like before, maybe if you gave him 1 more chance he will do it right??
".... Yes you have done a job for me and you need paying for it. But it is not my top priority at this moment...."

If this statement is accurate, it speaks volumes as to the character of the author.
Veolus said:
he keeps making assumptions that Lux will do the job wrong like before, maybe if you gave him 1 more chance he will do it right??

If I were Lux I wouldn't redo the work. No matter what the job was done and their were no complaints. The timeframe he took to complain I find unacceptable then he deleted it...If I put up a script I realized I didn't like I'd delete it also. There's no proof there were errors on his site. He deleted it, but what if it was deleted because he realized he bought a script installation for a script he didn't like (and didn't realize it until after it was installed)?

The point of this is superbowl should pay no matter what. An agreement is an agreement. If you don't check the work it's your fault. If there was a problem you also should have given him time to fix it.
Well, hes unable to reply at present, 'being temporarily suspended' - but im sure he will be back and will have considered carefully his next move
Badger said:
Well, hes unable to reply at present, 'being temporarily suspended' - but im sure he will be back and will have considered carefully his next move

I think you will find you are so wrong.

If I were Lux I wouldn't redo the work. No matter what the job was done and their were no complaints. The timeframe he took to complain I find unacceptable then he deleted it...If I put up a script I realized I didn't like I'd delete it also. There's no proof there were errors on his site. He deleted it, but what if it was deleted because he realized he bought a script installation for a script he didn't like (and didn't realize it until after it was installed)?

The point of this is superbowl should pay no matter what. An agreement is an agreement. If you don't check the work it's your fault. If there was a problem you also should have given him time to fix it.

I dont need proof that it didnt work i know and thats all that matters. If some one does a bad job for me i never ask them to do the same job again. This dose not come down to money it comes down to his work.
He deleted it, but what if it was deleted because he realized he bought a script installation for a script he didn't like (and didn't realize it until after it was installed)?
That is so wrong as he showed me an example of the script and i am still looking for an instalation with the same script.
Alright how about I install the same exact script for you and after I install it, you pay him for the work I did? I think this will solve the whole problem and everyone comes out happy at the end.
superbowldotcom said:
I think you will find you are so wrong.

Sorry bout that, someone told me you had.. Anyway I was trying to explain your position (as i knew it).

superbowldotcom said:
If some one does a bad job for me i never ask them to do the same job again.

Sorry man, youre not gonna get a lot of sympathy with that comment... :oops:
It's a way for everyone to save face.
deu12000 said:
Alright how about I install the same exact script for you and after I install it, you pay him for the work I did? I think this will solve the whole problem and everyone comes out happy at the end.

That's a reasonable and generous offer. Sound ok to you superbowl?
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