
discuss What happened with .org / .co?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Am I the only one dropping these tlds completely?

Have had zero sales in the last 2 years or so and I've given up on them completely. Holding only .com and a few good .xyz. I used to sell a lot of .co and especially .org for 4-fig, now I'd be glad to get an xxx sale at least.

What about you?

( Note, I know that occasionally there are great sales in either tld, no need to mention that. But even that's rare now and mostly works for highly sought names, otherwise the middle market has been quite silent... )
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I still like co, never really held .orgs.

single words are really only worthwhile imo
I still like co, never really held .orgs.

single words are really only worthwhile imo
Yep, unless .com.

Otherwise it seems some 2-word xyz have been selling lately. Not many though.

Edit: .ORGs used to be good, but now they are dead for me.
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.ORG is my best performing extension after .COM.

I just sold a (2) word one earlier this week on Afternic for $7500.

.ORG is my best performing extension after .COM.

I just sold a (2) word one earlier this week on Afternic for $7500.

When did you buy that 2-word if I may ask? Acquisition price?
Org co and net are worst for serp and seo. I don't like them anymore.
Citation needed...
I tried to develop Web-designs.net and other dotOrg but no luck. I found that Google do not like hyphenated domains.
Aftermarket sales stats for .org the last couple of years doesnt seem that bad.

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I'm with you. I've tried .co and I can't make it work. I don't have a big investment in .org but have had little luck there either (although I do have a couple .orgs that make good parking money so I'll hold them forever).

.xyz is hot for me but the upcoming price increase will probably mess up my "strategy."

To be honest I've never liked .co as an end user. It's just too similar to .com, and it's just asking for trouble IMHO. I'd way rather have an .xyz than a .co for my own business.

Again speaking as an end user, I really like .app, .pro, and .link. But to date I have basically no sales with those tlds and the adoption just doesn't seem to be there.

.pro seems to be heating up just a little lately. I've seen Swetha sell a handful for good $, I have sold a few, and the competition for expiring .pro names is increasing (at auction especially). It's an old TLD and doesn't get a lot of love from registrars though.
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I'm with you. I've tried .co and I can't make it work. I don't have a big investment in .org but have had little luck there either (although I do have a couple .orgs that make good parking money so I'll hold them forever).

.xyz is hot for me but the upcoming price increase will probably mess up my "strategy."

To be honest I've never liked .co as an end user. It's just too similar to .com, and it's just asking for trouble IMHO. I'd way rather have an .xyz than a .co for my own business.

Again speaking as an end user, I really like .app, .pro, and .link. But to date I have basically no sales with those tlds and the adoption just doesn't seem to be there.

.pro seems to be heating up just a little lately. I've seen Swetha sell a handful for good $, I have sold a few, and the competition for expiring .pro names is increasing (at auction especially). It's an old TLD and doesn't get a lot of love from registrars though.

I'm glad to see Pro gaining traction, I've held several over the years. We recently got one under payment plan for $2500 it's our first Pro sale. I've dropped many but still have Lawncare / pro and Hired / pro
I tried to develop Web-designs.net and other dotOrg but no luck. I found that Google do not like hyphenated domains.
wrong. don't blame the domain blame yourself
I'm glad to see Pro gaining traction, I've held several over the years. We recently got one under payment plan for $2500 it's our first Pro sale. I've dropped many but still have Lawncare / pro and Hired / pro

Those are great names. I have Hired // app incidentally. Hope we both sell them. 👍

$2500 is a great sale, congratulations!

I think I have around 200 pro domains right now. Some of them seem really good (honest // pro, flea // pro, serverless // pro, drop // pro), but it's so hard to know what will sell. Good luck to you!
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Those are great names. I have Hired // app incidentally. Hope we both sell them. 👍

$2500 is a great sale, congratulations!

I think I have around 200 pro domains right now. Some of them seem really good (honest // pro, flea // pro, serverless // pro, drop // pro), but it's so hard to know what will sell. Good luck to you!

Hired // app (y) nice one, can you pm asking price for retail and possibly wholesale?
I agree. Although in this business I am a newbie, I prefer registration in Сom. I have one domain in Co & Org. But they are so good that I can't refuse them
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Started observing the market in 2021, orgs used to sell and and continue do to so till now.

Cos used to sell in 2021 but since 2022 there's almost silence.

I got the chance to observe a very tiny portion of the whole market and I'm referring only to XXX - low X,XXX aftermarket resale value.
I tried to develop Web-designs.net and other dotOrg but no luck. I found that Google do not like hyphenated domains.

Absolutely NOBODY likes hyphenated domains. Except the Germans.
Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't .org intended for the non profit organizations. Why would a non profit organization pay a hefty sum to a domain squatter? Doesn't make sense to me. And I have never really liked .co/.ws type of domains. :)
Absolutely NOBODY likes hyphenated domains. Except the Germans.
Yeah I agree however can be defensive purchases also. @rumevic selling them like hotcakes maybe can provide further general insights about this segment
Thanks @twiki for bringing this up, in terms of .org cannot confirm or deny I only have a handful, but in regards to .CO I completely see the same way. I used to sell every month a few handregged domains for 4 figures and since this January literally nothing happens. I only keep the one word ones for now, those seem to be selling for great return, but other than that it is getting pretty hard to get money out of this extension unless you have some good quality names from earlier or pay little bit up on auctions. Additionally no need to talk about the higher renewal cost in comparison to dot com
Org does well for me. I'm seeing a picking up, not a dropping off.
Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't .org intended for the non profit organizations. Why would a non profit organization pay a hefty sum to a domain squatter? Doesn't make sense to me. And I have never really liked .co/.ws type of domains. :)

Just because an organization is legally organized as a non-profit organization does not mean that they do not make a profit nor do not have millions upon millions of dollars in cash to spend on marketing and IT initiatives. Check out the compensation packages of top non-profit CEOs and you'll see they get paid just as much as many for-profit CEOs. Some even have similar perks like private jets, etc.

I've sold quite a few .org domains to non-profit organizations that simply paid the 4 or 5-figure BIN prices shown on the landing page. Non-profit does not mean poor nor does it mean they are unconcerned about their brand image online.

Separately, an organization need not be a non-profit to register and use a .org domain name. The extension is wide open to the public just like .com and .net and other gTLDs.
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I tried to develop Web-designs.net and other dotOrg but no luck. I found that Google do not like hyphenated domains.
I'd say that's more of personal experience. That doesn't mean that .nets, .orgs, or whatever doesn't rank in Google or else we wouldn't see those extensions show up.
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