
question What will happen when Blockchain takes over?

Spaceship Spaceship
Hi Name Pros,

I've been a member since 2008 but haven't really been social, nor have I asked any questions. However, times are changing, and I have a very important question ---

What will happen to the WWW when Blockchain takes over?

Will everything need to transfer to Blockchain tech to remain relevant? Is that even possible?

Lets use Name Pros as an example please.

Will Name Pros be able to completely be on a Blockchain network such as Ethereum one day? If so, wouldn't the .COM (or .net, .org, etc.) and all other traditional ways of doing things such as Hosting, Pointing, and Registering also require such transition to truly become decentralized?

Am I missing something here? If not, everything that currently exists will 100% fail if Blockchain takes over, no?

Either way, nobody here knows this; but I am a futures guy. I don't care nor understand what's happening now. I simply know what's coming ahead. I've never been wrong, since birth. It's all logic. Ethereum is definitely happening, and happening way sooner than most people might have expected it to. I bought some Ether (ETH) but what's most important to me is ...

WHAT will happen to everything that already exists and will they be able to transition.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
When did you buy Ethereum ? Smart contracts is its "angle" right? It's gimmick?

See for me all blockchains are clones of bitcoin.

The problem with Bitcoin was the mining of it and how it's code was open sourced even to hackers ?

Thee only blockchain that doesn't need to be mined is Ripple aka XRP and it's has strong acceptance with banks already.

When a crypto is friends with banks ? That is concrete and good for growth .

But Bitcoin and domains? I doubt it you'll need to expand more.
  1. Ripple in 5 years = what Ripple is today.

    However, they clearly know how to raise money and land some cool gigs. Did you benefit from that though? Nope. Nor will you ever. (Sorry Ripple)

  2. Ethereum in 5 years = everything

  3. Bitcoin in 5 years = < $5 per BTC because everyone opted-in for Ethereum and the only reason it holds $5 in value is for enthusiasts. There is absolutely nothing rare about it. The work was done, shit was mined, OK we get it, do you have psychical gold in your hand to be able to actually do something with it still? Rare, etc, yes, yes, yes --- but ... wait, what? Who cares?

  • Gen 1 of anything is always temporary. Ethereum is not Gen 2. It's more like what you will want to use to create Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, and Gen 5 on ...

  • I repeat; Gen 1 of anything is always temporary. Never hold onto Gen 1 of anything.
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Am I missing something here? If not, everything that currently exists will 100% fail if Blockchain takes over, no?

If everything that exists will 100% fail if blockchain takes over, then blockchain won't succeed and take over. A key component to any development like this, is to be easy for everyone to implement.
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And the answer is if companies need to convert, it means they will be able to... Because they will only ever need to convert, if blockchain takes off, and it will only take off if it's relatively easy to convert.

So, it's a problem probably being solved as we speak, primarily by the backers of it. Most problems with big money backing can be solved.
And the answer is if companies need to convert, it means they will be able to... Because they will only ever need to convert, if blockchain takes off, and it will only take off if it's relatively easy to convert.

So, it's a problem probably being solved as we speak, primarily by the backers of it. Most problems with big money backing can be solved.

OK: So conversion is possible. That's cool.

It can be very costly for them though. That's even cooler, because ...

For example, for Facebook not to lose a single peice of data all 1 Billion users have ever published on their servers. They are over. Same with anyone / everyone else.

I mean, if your goal is to be decentralized; why care for those who weren't since day 1. No? Some of these currencies have $500M+ caps. Ethereum passed 2.5 B few days ago. I mean, people dig the movement.

Very interesting.

(all i needed to know is if they can convert)

  1. Ripple in 5 years = what Ripple is today.

    However, they clearly know how to raise money and land some cool gigs. Did you benefit from that though? Nope. Nor will you ever. (Sorry Ripple)

  2. Ethereum in 5 years = everything
  3. Bitcoin in 5 years = < $5 per BTC because everyone opted-in for Ethereum and the only reason it holds $5 in value is for enthusiasts. There is absolutely nothing rare about it. The work was done, sh*t was mined, OK we get it, do you have psychical gold in your hand to be able to actually do something with it still? Rare, etc, yes, yes, yes --- but ... wait, what? Who cares?
  • Gen 1 of anything is always temporary. Ethereum is not Gen 2. It's more like what you will want to use to create Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, and Gen 5 on ...

  • I repeat; Gen 1 of anything is always temporary. Never hold onto Gen 1 of anything.

I do also believe Ether is going to be a game changer and will dominate the Crypto's over the next few years. (but I don't think BTC will drop to as low to your anticipate)

I think if the whole DAO drama didn't happen then Ether would have been making even faster strides. The Dao incident was a bit of a set-back but one that they handled well. Investing in ETH now would be a good good idea.
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I invested $5,000 in ETH at around $22.50. This was a few days ago. I made about $1,500 in < 48 hours if I were to sell. But I never will ...

Regarding BTC; it's over for BTC ...

The fact that BTC I have never been anywhere that accepts BTC nor seen anyone care to hear about BTC since 2010 should tell you that it's over.

However, when something new comes along; with a face behind it; and a comparison of what used to be #1 (even though you didn't know about it....) then yea, done deal.

I shouldv been able to buy a cup of coffee for 5 local places with BTC easily without looking like a moron.

Not a SINGLE place near me cared, cares, nor will they.

However, ethereum is so simple that within 6 months I am 100% sure 10 places will allow me to go and buy things somehow through Ether or whatever someones makes with ethereum.

Being #1 and not scalable means you will fail; because everything and everyone knows exactly why you did.

In the real world; the only way one may not be able to scale is lack of funds and knowledge.

BTC is over.
I invested $5,000 in ETH at around $22.50. This was a few days ago. I made about $1,500 in < 48 hours if I were to sell. But I never will ...

Regarding BTC; it's over for BTC ...

The fact that BTC I have never been anywhere that accepts BTC nor seen anyone care to hear about BTC since 2010 should tell you that it's over.

However, when something new comes along; with a face behind it; and a comparison of what used to be #1 (even though you didn't know about it....) then yea, done deal.

I shouldv been able to buy a cup of coffee for 5 local places with BTC easily without looking like a moron.

Not a SINGLE place near me cared, cares, nor will they.

However, ethereum is so simple that within 6 months I am 100% sure 10 places will allow me to go and buy things somehow through Ether or whatever someones makes with ethereum.

Being #1 and not scalable means you will fail; because everything and everyone knows exactly why you did.

In the real world; the only way one may not be able to scale is lack of funds and knowledge.

BTC is over.

I agree that ETH offers huge opportunity, I invested in ETH back in early 2015...with a group of 8 friends/family.... we pooled our investment and agreed to wait it out for a few can imagine when the DAO hack happened we were in a panic. :)

BTC is still alive and well, its not at all over... still very healthy...and plenty of adoption from what I can see. You can draw BTC at ATMS now as well using a Bitcoin Debit card... huge communities have been built aroudn BTC and ones that continue to thrive... check out:
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I invested $5,000 in ETH at around $22.50. This was a few days ago. I made about $1,500 in < 48 hours if I were to sell. But I never will ...

Regarding BTC; it's over for BTC ...

The fact that BTC I have never been anywhere that accepts BTC nor seen anyone care to hear about BTC since 2010 should tell you that it's over.

However, when something new comes along; with a face behind it; and a comparison of what used to be #1 (even though you didn't know about it....) then yea, done deal.

I shouldv been able to buy a cup of coffee for 5 local places with BTC easily without looking like a moron.

Not a SINGLE place near me cared, cares, nor will they.

However, ethereum is so simple that within 6 months I am 100% sure 10 places will allow me to go and buy things somehow through Ether or whatever someones makes with ethereum.

Being #1 and not scalable means you will fail; because everything and everyone knows exactly why you did.

In the real world; the only way one may not be able to scale is lack of funds and knowledge.

BTC is over.

Without BTC. We would not even be having this conversation about blockchain.

Same as without .Com? Well there probably would still be the internet but .Com for sure was first.

If you talk about acceptance of any crypto. It has to start with the banks.

The price of ripple is low because they HAVE all the ripple that will ever be made on hand ready to put out into circulation like the mint does on demand.

BTC is created or mine thru transactions. Each transaction creates a Bitcoin.

Don't know much about all thee other cryptos but from what I've heard they are all based on the concept of bitcoin. The "bare bones" just tweaked with its own gimmick.

The flaw really is in the mining of these things . How blocks are sent to whomever down the line until the right miner gives the right answer to the mathematical equation given to it.

Is it impossible for say one of these blocks to be intercepted mid transit to a miner? And then being opened using the same technique it's original intended destination miner would have used? and the funds in it transfered to an offshore account?

If I'm wrong please let me know. Eth is mined yes?

This mining scares banks. It's too decentralized. XRP is the compromise between the two.

The fact that the recent rejection by the SEC for the Winkelvoss' application for a Bitcoin ETF spells bad news for all cryptos that are basically clones of bitcoin.

Only one blockchain isn't Ripple.

I placed an order for XRP for $500 when it was down like .02354 cents.

There was some issues during processing my account. So Ripple as an apology gave me 1.5 million XRP's.

I could have sold at .0879 but I figured hold.

Many coins have hit $1 in their lifetime. Once XRP really gets used by banks around the world. I predict it will hit that $1 mark and more.

You guys can bank on turning $5000 into $10,000 with highs and lows keeping you up at night I'll wait for the big payout. Slow and steady.

I missed out on Bitcoin when it was 25 cents!
I won't miss this one!

As far as BTC being over ? Probably is!

You should worry as the critics of crypto will only use the fall of BTC as sample case of cryptos not being a good investment.

So for your sake BTC better not fall.

XRP is nothing like btc. What makes it safe is Zero mining as all the xrp's that will ever be had already been made.

Safe is what banks like.

Every cryptos except XRP has "a touch of BTC"

A touch of:

1.Silk Road
2. Mt. Gox
3. A few other instances where BTC was stolen.

Having a bad reputation is not a good way to start friendship with banks.

BTC is like the "drunk uncle" of every crypto out there.

Luckily XRP is from a different family all together.
Hi Name Pros,

I've been a member since 2008 but haven't really been social, nor have I asked any questions. However, times are changing, and I have a very important question ---

What will happen to the WWW when Blockchain takes over?

Will everything need to transfer to Blockchain tech to remain relevant? Is that even possible?

Lets use Name Pros as an example please.

Will Name Pros be able to completely be on a Blockchain network such as Ethereum one day? If so, wouldn't the .COM (or .net, .org, etc.) and all other traditional ways of doing things such as Hosting, Pointing, and Registering also require such transition to truly become decentralized?

Am I missing something here? If not, everything that currently exists will 100% fail if Blockchain takes over, no?

Either way, nobody here knows this; but I am a futures guy. I don't care nor understand what's happening now. I simply know what's coming ahead. I've never been wrong, since birth. It's all logic. Ethereum is definitely happening, and happening way sooner than most people might have expected it to. I bought some Ether (ETH) but what's most important to me is ...

WHAT will happen to everything that already exists and will they be able to transition.

Since you have never been wrong about the future, you should be able to get in, makes buckets full of money and then get out and watch the inevitable collapse from your island palace. It must be nice never having been wrong about the future. You'll fit in quite well here.
The thing is though... the very core of BTC and Crypto's in general is to challenge the current banking system. Banks don't like crypto, government also doesn't like crypto..they would love nothing better for crypto to crumble.

Since currency moved away from the Gold standard and over to a fiat based currency system the banks and financial elite have been using the fiat based system to create money out of fresh air. To put it bluntly they have ben raping the system.... Cyrptocurrency is a direct threat to the current fiat based monetary system (which is not as stable and concrete as they make it out to be and can also collapse)
Without BTC. We would not even be having this conversation about blockchain.

Same as without .Com? Well there probably would still be the internet but .Com for sure was first.

If you talk about acceptance of any crypto. It has to start with the banks.

The price of ripple is low because they HAVE all the ripple that will ever be made on hand ready to put out into circulation like the mint does on demand.

BTC is created or mine thru transactions. Each transaction creates a Bitcoin.

Don't know much about all thee other cryptos but from what I've heard they are all based on the concept of bitcoin. The "bare bones" just tweaked with its own gimmick.

The flaw really is in the mining of these things . How blocks are sent to whomever down the line until the right miner gives the right answer to the mathematical equation given to it.

Is it impossible for say one of these blocks to be intercepted mid transit to a miner? And then being opened using the same technique it's original intended destination miner would have used? and the funds in it transfered to an offshore account?

If I'm wrong please let me know. Eth is mined yes?

This mining scares banks. It's too decentralized. XRP is the compromise between the two.

The fact that the recent rejection by the SEC for the Winkelvoss' application for a Bitcoin ETF spells bad news for all cryptos that are basically clones of bitcoin.

Only one blockchain isn't Ripple.

I placed an order for XRP for $500 when it was down like .02354 cents.

There was some issues during processing my account. So Ripple as an apology gave me 1.5 million XRP's.

I could have sold at .0879 but I figured hold.

Many coins have hit $1 in their lifetime. Once XRP really gets used by banks around the world. I predict it will hit that $1 mark and more.

You guys can bank on turning $5000 into $10,000 with highs and lows keeping you up at night I'll wait for the big payout. Slow and steady.

I missed out on Bitcoin when it was 25 cents!
I won't miss this one!

As far as BTC being over ? Probably is!

You should worry as the critics of crypto will only use the fall of BTC as sample case of cryptos not being a good investment.

So for your sake BTC better not fall.

XRP is nothing like btc. What makes it safe is Zero mining as all the xrp's that will ever be had already been made.

Safe is what banks like.

Every cryptos except XRP has "a touch of BTC"

A touch of:

1.Silk Road
2. Mt. Gox
3. A few other instances where BTC was stolen.

Having a bad reputation is not a good way to start friendship with banks.

BTC is like the "drunk uncle" of every crypto out there.

Luckily XRP is from a different family all together.

But "having a touch of BTC" only matters to those who cared. The general public, did not care. Has that not been proven? Why does none of the small business owners around me care?

Whether all of it is thanks to BTC, it does not mean you should hold onto it.

As I said, only enthusiasts will forever care; therefore it'll have $5 or less for a while until they also no longer care. The timing for BTC was only good for those who invested. However, they invested in something that was not cared for enough and they cashed out. Ethereum (or things similar, and upcoming...) is an entirely different story ...

Forever, the general public; will simply; NOT care. They just want things to work better, work faster, and be cheaper. BTC was too new, too nerdy, too techie. Also, who made it? What the hell is it? Right? Right.

Now of days, it's different. Investors know the value, and it's not to tell people to invest in it. It's to tell people to simply use products and/or services that were built with it.

Hey, it's just my opinion, but if compared to how I am speaking to how you are speaking; you'll notice that I have absolutely no passion in this because I simply do not understand it. Would you care for something that's 100% jibberish to you? I bet not. But if it can make my life easier, without me changing how I do things (like process transactions for my business ...) ... I AM 100% SOLD. How many startups tried to do this with BTC? NOT ENOUGH and nowhereeeee near the amount when compared to the new tech rolling out.

Ehh, as I said; just my opinion.

(finally sold though, doesn't that count?)
BTW, don't get me wrong. The entire digital world can end in a split second though. I'm confident that it will one day. For now, the new stuff is far greater than the old stuff. That's what matters to me.
I'd like to buy coffee with bitcoin right now. It's been out since 2010 right? Why can I not buy coffee with bitcoin right now. If you launch a business and nobody on your block uses it 7 years after you launch; you failed.

Same type of tech, in a way; I get it ...

Buy people buy into brands, logos, appeal.

BTC simply did not turn enough people on.

Something new and sexy? Maybe. But if it doesn't turn you on within 3 years. NEXT.

I simply wanted to know if the WWW can transfer all content to blockchains. I have a feeling some giants wont be able to afford it.

Thanks for the feedbacks, appreciated.

And to the dude who mentioned buckets of money....

Knowing the next big thing will be a success does that mean you heard about it on time. I simply know what will work, and what will fail. For example, I bought ether @ 22.5 few days ago, but its because I literally found out about it 2 days ago. Do i know its going to work? YES. Did I stumble upon it when it was < $1, nope.

My bills are paid in advance and I have 0 debt. Plus I care about more important things, not money :)

See'ya Name Pros
I've never been wrong, since birth

There is only 1 person in this world that gets it right 100% of the time... Miss Cleo.


But I jest.

Blockchain will never take over domains any time soon. We're talking a technology that is nowhere near ready for prime-time.

Most people barely understand domains, but we are going to expect them to understand an implement blockchain? No way.

You might be right, but we are talking about a 20-30 year roll out. By then I might not even be on this Earth. So for near term intangible investments I am going to stick to domains for now.
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Most people barely understand domains, but we are going to expect them to understand an implement blockchain? No way...
Hey, I understand domains, but other than this last post, everything else in this thread is gibberish, starting with its title. My takeaway from this thread? One: I obviously have a lot of catching up to do here! Two: good luck to BTC and all the other acronyms and block-whatever-thingies getting adopted by normal people, who don't live and breathe this stuff :xf.wink:
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BTC is gen 1, yes but they are improving the bitcoin core (BTC) to Bitcoin Unlimited (BTU). gen 1 migrating to gen 2. so BTC (aka BTU) will never fail.

At the same time, i liked ETH too, i secured 180+ ETH for future. It will raise in next couple of years for sure.

Blockchain will not dominate domains in any time soon (in next 10 years).
I have bitcoin since 2013. I have litecoin since somewhere that time too. I also have ripple, ethereum and some other alt coins. I use BTC when I want to spend some, I already sold several domain entirely for BTC (not on Namepros so I am not speaking about a few bucks deals). I have several offline places in the circle of 2km where I can pay with BTC. There are two bitcoin ATMs relatively close to me.

On the other hand, I have no idea where I could spend ETH or XRP except finding someone who accepts them through some forum. I can pay domain registration and renewal with my BTC at many registrars, but I am not aware of a single place where I can do that with ETH.

Bitcoin is a revolutionary invention, and the most people are still not aware of it. This will be changed, but takes time.

Now about blockchain and Ethereum. I am not some tech savvy person, but am neither a moron. I have cryptos, I use BTC etc. Blockchain? I have fu*king no idea what it is. How anyone can expect that some next door average person will know it anytime soon? They hardly know that a domain is not a website (from my offline experience, the most people dont know the difference).

I know that every bitcoin transaction is written in blockchain. I know that many startups and well established companies are developing blockchain, or maybe their own, but I have no idea what actually they were doing and why.

The most people dont even understand bitcoin. They will not understand blockchain too.

Blockchain to replace domains? I dont even understand what does that mean:) So no, it will not happen anytime soon, and I am 100% sure in that statement.

Like I said, I am not some person who dont know how to turn on a PC (although there are still many of them). However, I have no idea what the blockchain is.

Ether will be used to activate smart contract and apps? WTF? Apps need fuel? Since when? They already work without Ether. Surely I dont understand something here, but you should see the point. If I dont understand it, how on Earth you could expect that your next door neighbour will, who barely know how to turn on a PC.

I believe that cryptos are the future of finance, and I believe that Ethereum will be probably a big thing. Probably what is Bitcoin now. It will have users, it will solve problems, it will be worth much more than today and thats it.

I see bitcoin and alt coins just as the .com and other extension. Dot com is king, just as bitcoin.

Technically, is a better domain than However, 9/10 people will probably think that something is wrong with the .casino name as they heard only of .com. Just as they heard only of Bitcoin and Ether means nothing to them.

I may be wrong, but this is my thinking and I believe it will be valid for the next ten years, at least.
What do you mean by blockchain? I used a blockchain on a transaction backup file in the early 1960s.

Do you mean distributed ledgers with backups in the public domain, or do you mean a banker controlled central registration file?
I was thinking of investing into Ripple, may be 1,000 $ , any input? I have definately missed the BTC, and ether boat
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