Is Adam Dicker a criminal? You decide.



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This story starts with DNF; a barren wasteland that once was a leading forum within the domain industry. While the forum itself played a huge role in propagating the myth that is Adam Dicker, the story really begins with DNF College in the summer of 2011.

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Updates / Reports
These are in no particular order.

From what I understand, Adam still owes north of $33,000 to previous customers and business partners. As I receive more information, I will update this figure.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is the best advise I have seen in this thread for you, Adam. + I will add. If you are not a practicing Christian yet (it seems so), It is time to open up your Holy Book and start reading the chapters. Take a brief sabbatical, examine yourself, become a changed man, wash your sins and I would like to see you bounce back.

This post is obviously well meant, but I find it too sanctimonious for me. The 'Good Book' also says, 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone,' and by the stones being flung around on this thread many seem to feel they qualify. I have to say that, while I deplore the way Adam has apparently treated some people, I think the title of the thread is downright despicable. What gets said on the net lives on forever and there hasn't been a proper trial or verdict which would warrant such a statement (framed as a question though it might be). :(
Guys, please keep the religion out of here- its the last thing needed, and contributes absolutely 0 to the current problems there are.
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I felt a little inspired by Lanny sharing her story and I've been personally encouraged by someone who was closely involved, so I wanted to share my experience I had working with Adam. At first I was a little hesitant to put this all out there, but now I think it's necessary to put it out there as a warning.

My experience was a little similar to other stories I’ve read on here. Everything I’m relaying here can be verified through email messages, skype messages, or people who were on phone calls with me when talking to Adam. I’m not making anything up, and my only reason for telling anyone this is to let everyone know that Adam is NOT who he says he is. I hope he gets his stuff together someday and becomes the guy so many people already think he is, but for now, he seems to be pathological liar with no regard for other people’s wellbeing or livelihood.

SIDE NOTE: If I use quotes in this post, it’s because I’m ACTUALLY directly quoting Adam. I’m not making things up.

Essentially what it comes down to is that Adam proposed that we work together on a project that I was already working on. I was doing SEO for a few dentists, and Adam said he had a background in lead generation for local businesses and he could help expand my business. It seemed like a great way to make more money, since SEO and pay-per-lead programs are separately billed services. I hadn’t done local pay-per-lead work before on my own, but Adam assured me he knew plenty. He assured me that if I found the clients, he could “make their phone ring.” In fact, here’s what I wrote down about him in my notebook from our first meeting when I knew very little about him:

***Adam Dicker: owns thousands of domain names – worked at GoDaddy – local lead gen expert – marketed for 3,500 businesses, including 500 dentists – can make their phone ring off the hook – as many leads as they can handle***

I don’t know if any of that stuff he told me is true, but he definitely said it to me. I can’t think of any reason why he would say it to me unless to get me to want to work with him. I mean, for someone like me who’s just a small time marketer, why wouldn’t you work with someone with those credentials? I had just bought a house, my wife and I had our first baby on the way, and I was VERY excited that things seemed to be working out so well for me.

Anyway, 7 months after working with Adam who promised to “make their phones ring,” he had not delivered so much as ONE lead to any of the 27 dentists I recruited for lead gen services. I spent 100% of the money I had saved up to start this business which was about $20k, all spend on salary and commission to salespeople, marketing efforts, ppc, office lease, and eventually chargeback fees while getting these dentists signed up. I couldn’t generate leads on my own at the scale necessary and with the budget I had set aside, no matter how hard I tried to set up a profitable adwords campaign using the lead pricing that Adam had instructed me to use with the dentists I had signed up. I was stuck on my own, waiting for Adam to come through on his promises. Adam assured me every couple of weeks along the way that things were “moving along” or that he’d “have it taken care of by this weekend” or that he just “needed to hear back from someone” before we could get the ball rolling. I’d have gladly jumped ship at any time if he’d given me a legitimate, honest response telling me that he wouldn’t be able to deliver what he promised. But instead, I just kept going while receiving reassurance such as these DIRECT quotes from him:

“we’re going to make a s**t load of money”

After asking him every couple of weeks if he was still on board, he’d say “oh yeah, definitely. Let’s get this going.”

“we’ve got leads coming in, I just need to log in and check it this weekend.” (referring to his adwords and call tracking account)

About 3 months in to working with him (around November 2014,) he introduced me to one of his VPs (let’s call this person Erik to avoid real names,) one of his project directors in a new company he started called WebCorp. At this point, Adam handed all communication off to Erik, so he was the one to relay to me things like “he says he’ll take care of it by Monday” or “he says he’ll take care of it when he’s back from his trip.” His VP, Erik, was simply caught in the middle, and he did a great job of working on things from his end, but Adam just never came through on anything.

One thing as a side point: At one point along the way (around December 2014,) Adam asked me to be a project manager for him on a separate project. We were building an affiliate site together, and I was supposed to make 20% of revenue off the site. After working on if for over 40 hours, Adam scrapped the project. 20% of $0 is still $0, so I wasn’t paid for any of the work.

By February 2015, after we’d been working together about 6 months, Adam agreed to let me set up an adwords campaign in a shared account with him, and if he could pay for the ads upfront, we could split profits 50/50. A full month later (March 2015) after he had apparently checked the campaign I had put together and said everything looked good and started running the ads, we had spent $700 and got one lead. Most of this money was spent on clicks from people WAY outside of the geographic area around the area we were targeting. He had forgotten to set the correct geographic radius like I asked him to, and I didn’t have correct Admin access to do so. At this point, Adam was apparently very disappointed with the project, and scrapped everything.

So, at this point it had been 7 months that I’d been working with Adam. I’d been working with Erik for about 4 months, and Erik could back up my entire story from that point, as we were on calls with Adam at the same time. I was $20k in the hole on this project, my entire savings set aside for the project had been exhausted, and I had a list of 27 clients who were all angry with me because they were never going to get any leads.

By April 2015, after paying back the deposits that I charged each dentist when they signed up, I had to start selling off my office furniture to pay my personal bills. I sold my truck to pay my mortgage that month, and I sold my desk and chairs to pay my wife’s car payment. I maxed out my credit card to help pay for groceries and diapers and baby food. I was stuck with 100% of the bill on this project spearheaded by Adam, and I was never going to get a dime out of him.

I emailed Adam to see if there might be some other way that I could be involved in his company. I figured there was no way that he would have put me in this position on purpose, and that he would probably be able to see my side of things if I just explained it to him. After all, he’s the one who continually reassured me that things were moving along, and he never once admitted that the project had the potential to fall apart like it had.

I figured since Adam apparently had several companies clearing over $100k per month, there must be a way that someone like me could get involved and make enough money to get by. After emailing Adam, here’s the exact email response I got from him:



i do care, let's chat about this tomorrow.



The next day we spoke on Skype, and Adam said he’d get me involved in his company and he’d find a way to “make [me] tons of money.” I was glad he said that, but I was still skeptical that it would ever pan out.

Within the next 2 months (by June 2015) Adam had offered me a commission-only sales job selling bobble head dolls, and that’s it. At that point I knew that none of the salespeople working for him had been paid either, so I had no intention of getting involved in that. He did say he’d help me sell a website I own to help me raise some capital and that he’d put me in touch with his broker, but after an initial conversation, his broker fell off the face of the earth too. So, it was clear Adam wasn’t going to help, and that he likely didn’t take any personal responsibility for how things had gone. I emailed him a couple more times, but I didn’t get a response.

Now, it’s been about 14 months since I first started working with Adam, and things are a little bit better, due in no small part to the fact that I work 60 hour weeks to try to salvage a small part of the business I once had before Adam got involved. My goals are no longer to strike it rich, but rather just to pay the bills and somehow climb out of the hole that Adam helped me dig.

I know it’s not 100% Adam’s fault that this is how things turned out. I have to take plenty of responsibility for being so trusting of someone I didn’t know very well. I honestly don’t even know how to put a dollar amount on the damage that working with Adam has caused. If I’d continued to build my existing business on my own without involving Adam, I suspect I could have built it into something great on my own, but instead I trusted someone that didn’t have any intention of fulfilling his promises. I don’t know if he does this on purpose, or if he just doesn’t know how to tell the truth any more, but I do know though that if he truly did want to help make things right, he’d do more than send a one-sentence email to me to let me know that he cares.

I am certain I’m far from the worst victim of Adam’s deception, but I still feel like he needs to own up to what he’s doing with his life. For the 9 months that we were in regular communication, I couldn’t believe that Adam would be leading me along with no intention of helping. I figured he’d be honest and let me know if there were a chance that he couldn’t fulfill every promise he made to me, but he was VERY clear that I had nothing to worry about.

So, Adam Dicker, now is your chance to respond. You know I’m not lying about any of this. Although you have a different perspective on this, I'm not lying about anything. Plenty of people know that everything I’ve said here is the truth. You’re messing with people’s lives here, and not everyone can blow a ton of money on a failed project and still come out ok. I’m set back more than 16 months financially with this little venture, and I doubt you lost any sleep over it. If you are sincerely worried about this, then please let me know. You have my email.

Just FYI, I've talked to Adam today and we are trying to work something out. He's offers some helpful software for free, and he's going to help me out with my marketing business. I don't want to seem like I'm holding his reputation hostage or anything, but I will keep everyone posted if things don't pan out. I'm just hoping to rebuild and start over, not screw anyone.
This is the best advise I have seen in this thread for you, Adam. + I will add. If you are not a practicing Christian yet (it seems so), It is time to open up your Holy Book and start reading the chapters. Take a brief sabbatical, examine yourself, become a changed man, wash your sins and I would like to see you bounce back.

Adam, I have sent you an email.

I have responded .
Adam and myself have discussed a resolution.
Guys, please keep the religion out of here- its the last thing needed, and contributes absolutely 0 to the current problems there are.

How pathetic that people who have been hosed must come here for resolution.
So Adam is paying you guys back by promising (in the future) to give you some software and.... (in the future) give you advice on how to run your business?

You can't make this sh*t up
So Adam is paying you guys back by promising (in the future) to give you some software and.... (in the future) give you advice on how to run your business?

You can't make this sh*t up

I cringed when I read about that. I hope for their sake that we won't have to read about these same people again in a future thread about Adam.
I cringed when I read about that. I hope for their sake that we won't have to read about these same people again in a future thread about Adam.
If ever "fool me once..." applied to something...

I have worked to resolve issues today, anyone with open issues can email me at [email protected] and they will be addressed.

Adam may have over-promised. Most companies do. Why are we still buying unstable o/s and defective systems? Why does NASA & Musk still risk lives by sending rockets to space?

Is that being criminal? Adam is making efforts to resolve this. Give him his due. Some may have a genuine complaint against Adam, but most of you are just eager to bring someone down.

Do you get the size and quality sandwich you see aired on TV? No!

This is how the world works. To allude someone as a criminal is excessive and uncalled for. All of you vote for your elected officials based on the promises they make. They then, stab you in the back.

I am not defending Adam, as I do not know all the facts much as many of you don't, but this thread is simply overkill. Pretty beardboy with canine by his side is not the angel without an agenda of his own.
Adam may have over-promised. Most companies do. Why are we still buying unstable o/s and defective systems? Why does NASA & Musk still risk lives by sending rockets to space?

Is that being criminal? Adam is making efforts to resolve this. Give him his due. Some may have a genuine complaint against Adam, but most of you are just eager to bring someone down.

Do you get the size and quality sandwich you see aired on TV? No!

This is how the world works. To allude someone as a criminal is excessive and uncalled for. All of you vote for your elected officials based on the promises they make. They then, stab you in the back.

I am not defending Adam, as I do not know all the facts much as many of you don't, but this thread is simply overkill. Pretty beardboy with canine by his side is not the angel without an agenda of his own.

Adam did not simply over-promise to a few and not follow throu because he was bussy.

Adam ignored and moved away from issues even after people told him what trouble they were in.

He took money for services that were never delivered in full, he multi lied all across the board on those projects he started with people, and didnt give a dam about them when they gave everything up for him and the projects they possible could have, maybe you should go back and read some of the stories shared here- that has just nothing to do with simply "over promising" anymore.

He is now fixing the issues with the ones that step forward, yes- but what about the ones that dont read this thread nor ever see it... i am after reading some past posts 100% sure, that if Adam would take 5 minutes to think a bit he could think of endless people like lanny and Benja ... will HE reach out to them because they dont see this post and dont reach out to him? i highly highly doubt that, and THAT would be the character change that would be needed- and none else.

That being said- i hope we can atleast see no future victims (i call them this because thats what they simply are) and that business will be run better from NOW on...
You think I decided by myself not to release part 2?

This isn't about me and it's a complicated situation.

Just leave it alone.

This wouldn't had happened if you had not withheld part 2 in the first place.

Can't blame others questioning your agenda. And when others question you, you brush them aside. At least Adam try to answer some of your questions.

There are parts that are true and parts that are simply untrue. Your source sent me an email saying that I had Until October 5th to pay a certain amount or they would release info they THOUGHT were true.

There are not as many as you think, you need to remember that this story that was sent to Shane was all started by employees that were terminated/left the company and yes that I tried to grow it too fast with some good people and some of the wrong people. My fault, I was the CEO. Businesses fail.
Incidentally, it took way too long, but all these employees are paid in full. It's no surprise that they day after the last one was paid the story came out.

I publicly stated on Monday morning I would pick my gf up from work, an appointment I had ran late that day so my mother ended up having to drive my gf to my house and drop her off. I guess I should have never told anyone I would pick her up since it wasnt my intention.......orrr do things change sometimes based on unexpected circumstances which in this case would be Adam putting more effort into repaying debts than maybe Shane originally expected?

Well, this scenario seems more like:

"I can pick up my gf from work on Monday morning, but I chose not to until Friday.

And because I have an appointment I had ran late, my best friend ended up having to drive my gf to my house and drop her off.

And now, both my gf and best friend are missing."
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So Adam is paying you guys back by promising (in the future) to give you some software and.... (in the future) give you advice on how to run your business?

You can't make this sh*t up

I have access to the software, and he is sending some clients my way. We'll likely get something in writing to confirm what he's going to do for me to make things up before I feel like we're really on the same page, and so I know he's really going to make a major effort. I'm just letting everyone know that we're in the process of working it out. If we don't make some real headway, I haven't lost anything by trying to work anything out. I think Adam knows that if he wants me to let people know he's made things right, he is going to have to follow through. We're not there yet, but it's a step in the right direction.

My goal in coming forward was to warn people about what happened and try to get myself back on track. Adam seems willing to talk, so that's the stage we're at. I'll gladly keep you posted.

If ever "fool me once..." applied to something...


If I had any skin in the game this time, that might be true. There's no shame in giving Adam a chance to work things out. If he helps, that's great. If he doesn't, lots of people will know that he flaked again. I'm not asking for a fat paycheck from him to keep me quiet as many people seem to think I should.
So Adam is paying you guys back by promising (in the future) to give you some software and.... (in the future) give you advice on how to run your business?

You can't make this sh*t up

people are genuinely nice, and even nicer when they deal with somebody that is importanrt,
they were abused in the first place because they let someone took advantage of them

Adam Dicker is the guy still running for the shinning objects, trying to turn these Nichewebsites in million dollars websites, he just don't have a clue how to get there
The softwares he use are these useless push-button miracle that will help you sell domain names like hot cakes. this system don't work, except for the ones selling the software and their affiliates
Will Adam Dicker be revoked from the Domain Industry Hall of Fame inductees?

I think the big guys & industry insiders should discuss and seriously consider it.
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He is now fixing the issues with the ones that step forward, yes- but what about the ones that dont read this thread nor ever see it... i am after reading some past posts 100% sure, that if Adam would take 5 minutes to think a bit he could think of endless people like lanny and Benja ... will HE reach out to them because they dont see this post and dont reach out to him? . . . . . . THAT would be the character change that would be needed- and none else.

Blenja, its good that you have faith in people, but you are really being naive. I see people get conned, complain, and go back to only get conned again regularly. Dont be that sucker. Get made whole financially, sever ties, and dont look back

Going into this, the godaddy thing, the nichewebsites issues, the fake dicker team, the dncollege, the miracle software,, all are unethical business practices.

There is a long track record of exploitation of people in a weaker position. Not just utilization of their services to capatalize, but explotation.

When do you realize that a person isnt trustworthy? This isnt the first occurance, and this isnt the first time issues have come to light in a major way.

I have nothing against Mr. Dicker, I actually feel that his interviews and negotiation tips have made me more successful as a newbie to domaining, and he hasnt profited from me at all, but I do think enough information has come to light that you have to realise that the hopes and dreams being sold to you are smoke and mirrors.
Adam may have over-promised. Most companies do. Why are we still buying unstable o/s and defective systems? Why does NASA & Musk still risk lives by sending rockets to space?

Is that being criminal? Adam is making efforts to resolve this. Give him his due. Some may have a genuine complaint against Adam, but most of you are just eager to bring someone down.

Do you get the size and quality sandwich you see aired on TV? No!

This is how the world works. To allude someone as a criminal is excessive and uncalled for. All of you vote for your elected officials based on the promises they make. They then, stab you in the back.

I am not defending Adam, as I do not know all the facts much as many of you don't, but this thread is simply overkill. Pretty beardboy with canine by his side is not the angel without an agenda of his own.

I over promise when I tell you I will make you 12 but only make you 4. I commit fraud when I tell you I will make you 12 for $1500 and make you ZERO and then ignore your calls, emails, and eventual requests for a refund.

And to answer your question - yes, companies DO get sued for false claims like the sandwich and defective operating systems.

But, yes, he's trying to right the wrongs he made. Thats progress.
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Adam may have over-promised. Most companies do. Why are we still buying unstable o/s and defective systems? Why does NASA & Musk still risk lives by sending rockets to space?

Is that being criminal? Adam is making efforts to resolve this. Give him his due. Some may have a genuine complaint against Adam, but most of you are just eager to bring someone down.

Do you get the size and quality sandwich you see aired on TV? No!

This is how the world works. To allude someone as a criminal is excessive and uncalled for. All of you vote for your elected officials based on the promises they make. They then, stab you in the back.

I am not defending Adam, as I do not know all the facts much as many of you don't, but this thread is simply overkill. Pretty beardboy with canine by his side is not the angel without an agenda of his own.

a lot of people who become domainers, have others expertise(just check for yourself)

i can say for having biuld and worked with websites that received thousands of qualified buyers a day, that his NicheWebsite is a terrible badly deisgned websites that will give you no results. the people who created these designs have no clue about "Conversion"; they are the typical webmaster wwho follow trends, or try to reproduce what look cool and is floating around.

it is really hard to give the benefits of the doubt to someone, who put the CEO of Yahoo picture on his website, pretending that she was a broker, and to add up used another name. this is unacceptable, and only unethical people will go to these lengths.

what people here are doing, is trying to help those who felt in this bad spot, and make sure that they wake up for real.
his business model is broken,
his domaining advices are a mix of good and bad and terrible advices, just go hear at his podcast, he always overpriced crappy domains that won't sell for 100$
it is really hard to give the benefits of the doubt to someone, who put the CEO of Yahoo picture on his website, pretending that she was a broker, and to add up used another name. this is unacceptable, and only unethical people will go to these lengths.

I don't think there's anyone in the world who is stupid enough to put the picture of the CEO of Yahoo as his staff. Most likely it's done by an disgruntled (ex?) employee.

But we still can't deny the intent to inflate the size of the team to impress? To deceive?

Now I wonder how many real people are working for his other businesses.
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