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  • My domains can't make I peny through the parking. I also try sedo with mls premium services. Bodis and above .now I try with afternic. Help me sir what i do now to sell my domains 😕 ?
    Have a Healthy and Happy New Year

    Hey RJ, please answer me on skype. It's important.
    Ali Azam
    Consulting services now available! P.M. for info
    Contacted you about 5 times on Skype, you told me to add you so I did, no responses back from you however. I'm looking to buy domains with traffic, do you have any to sell?
    What is your skype name?
    Hello Smurge, I sent you a message yesterday. Add me on Skype if you want to do a follow-up chat pertaining to my message. My Skype name is: Jxtist
    Hello Mr. Smurge, pls reply on skype.
    P.M. me your skyep name. I am flooooooooded with messages.
    Buy domains contact me Via skype: rjvs1980
    If you wan to buy domains contact me Via skype: rjvs1980
    If you are still selling them, I can buy. PM sent))
    Special Offer To Followers: 3 domains - $100 : 2 months should make full investment back.
    Hi Smurge i inspired by bene post i really love your post i just been follow many post of bene can you please help me out by a domains that can make earnings.
    I have domains for sale if that is what you are asking.
    yes smurge i really struggling to earn from domain parking if you have any cheap domain which can help in earnings than please help me out.
    Abinandhan Jain
    Abinandhan Jain
    smurge if you can then help me too. Thanks, keep up the great work..
    hi guys just want to let you all know that the domain i bought from smurge (gift price) $40 (minus renewal) has earn me $130 this month, am so grateful and happy. Smurge is really a parking GURU. Thanks Smurge
    Hello Smurge, did you receive my PM?
    I just started following you and would appreciate any help with my list my portfolio is included in my pm to you. Jah bless
    Hey smurge I would like to make $600pm.. Could you tell me .. I will pm you my portfolio.
    Started following you :) if i can earn 500$ PM thats huge for me ..iam newbie in this industry ..i have list of some domains which i found in my search can u just Analise them and say the worth of them ?
    Hello Smurge, thanks for this opportunity. It will be awesome if I can earn 3000usd PM. I will say I am a newbie and I have handregged quite some names I am not even sure what their value may be. Can I PM you my portfolio (just 30+ names) for you to tell me if you see any gold in it?
    Sure you can message me.
    Hi Smurge, When you say money making domains.. Its just the domain name right ?? Was just thinking...
    I had domain name like which brings chinese traffic..
    Can you give a domain name as an example.
    I have few domains to regg.. which have monthly average search of 100-200 with 25$ cpc .. Can I register those? Or should wait for the traffic to increase? wanted your suggestions
    Search = people searching for that "Keyword" in the domain monthly. It does not mean they are looking for .net or .com . I would not know if those domains you are looking at are worth purchasing for traffic unless I was able to research them.
    Ok, following ya.
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