
3 Letter Domains' Worth

Spaceship Spaceship
I don't know why people get so excited over the 3 letter domains since there are 87,880 of these .com/.net/.biz/.info/.us ones.

I heard that someone recently bought thousands of 4 letter Dot-Coms hoping to make a killing from reselling them. I wonder if he knew how to factor 26X26X26C26 (456,976 of them).

I wonder if anyone has recognized how many dictionary words there are in the English language, too. Given this large number, I cannot imagine why people think that just because a domain is a dictionary Dot-Com it must be worth a lot of money. Now don't forget the people who put two dictionary words together and think that the resulting domain is worth something. Try factoring 456,977X456,976. (maybe a quarter of a billion possibilities).

I think the Dot-Com boom's's sensational sales of a few dictionary domains years ago ruined us all. Let's face it, there will never be another such period. Granted, a few domains have recently sold for some big bucks, but these domains are related to a proven area of business. In short, dictionary domains are worth money if they concern already successful brick and mortar business areas that are capable of being sold via the Internet. Otherwise, they are just novely items.

Okay, so went for $17,200 recently at namewinner. Maybe the TV show Celebrity Poker bought it.

My point to all of this is that I think that the domain speculators are the ones who have driven up the cost of the domains. If they would go away then we business people could get a good domain for the price of registration.

So, does anyone really know somebody who has made a lot of money from domain sales other than by selling them to other domain speculators?

I remember back in 1994 I had just gotten my real estate license and got on the Internet to look around. I came across a web site that offered domains for I think $50 a pop, but you had to place your order and they would manually fill it the next day. The domain I was interested in was but was talked out of it by my roommate Vicky's boyfriend who convinced me that domains were just a vanity item and not very useful otherwise. Ahh, the mistakes we make in our youth.

On a closing note, for those of you who worry about Dot-Coms going by way of the 8-track, just remember, they are addresses like your telephone number and television channels, and how long have they been around?
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they are addresses like your telephone number and television channels

We used to have six-digit phone numbers in my area, and now those are no longer in use. The old television numbers are still around, but how many still actually use them, with cable being everywhere?

That said, I don't think .com/net/org will ever become obsolete. But what I think will happen is that most people will become aware of the other extensions (info, biz, us, etc.), so will remember to make a note of the extension when looking at websites. They will stop assuming that everything is a something .com.
Go Dot-Biz

I agree that the other TLDs will become more and more popular in the future. The question is however, will any of them become a household word like the Dot-Com?

Let's face it, even if other TLDs become popular, because Dot-Coms are engrained in us, they will rule the e-mail world.

I like Dot-Coms but it would be in my best interest if the other ones would take off because I own REFI.BIZ and my brother owns STEEL.US. The home mortgage refi business and the world steel industry are big businesses, so you would think that these two domains might be worth something some day.
buying always lags behind selling if you want to make a profit. Those selling infos now (including me) bought them right a year ago. The good/usable/developable ones now go wholesale for $60-$100 insead of $8-$40. Retail prices are now typically in the hundreds instead of tens.

For someone buying right now, I'd recommend buying good generic .biz and .us as they can still be had for under $30. Next year they will probalby be where .info is now. I think .us will lag somewhat behind .biz just because it isn't veiwed as a world domain, but US oriented. Just like many non-career domain people are priced out of the market on .coms now if you consider bulk purchasing, info is still reachable and .biz/.us are extemely affordable now.

No, you won't get $XXX for a typical .biz or .us, but I know of few other industries that would balk at buying for $7 and sellling for $50. You just have to be careful you don't buy worthless names that end up being dropped and bleeding off the profits of the good ones. Patience is definitely a requirement to be successful.
great thread.

i personally think longer domains of popular phrases will be the greatest rise in value - due mainly to the fact that the keyboard will be obsolete in 2 - 5 years

Getting back to the point, yes 3 LETTER domains are definitely worth registering as acronyms or initials. There are billions of people in the world and for any given 3-letter there will be thousands with those intials as well. when you get to 4 there are just too many combos to speculate on.
AdoptableDomains said:
Getting back to the point, yes 3 LETTER domains are definitely worth registering as acronyms or initials. There are billions of people in the world and for any given 3-letter there will be thousands with those intials as well. when you get to 4 there are just too many combos to speculate on.
they might get better though in the future, you never know
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