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I am new to BrandBucket. Before getting my hands on this

I wish to experience about brandbucket from my fellow members

Thanks :)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sorry, maybe you misunderstood what I was saying. Back in 2013 and early 2014 the overall acceptance rate was probably around 20-25%, and anyone submitting names then probably had a higher rejection rate than users submitting names since March 2014 only. That's what I was implying - older users might have an overall acceptance rate lower than newer users as their figures are skewed by the older (lower) acceptance rate. Hope that makes more sense?

As to what's been going on recently, as discussed here - it's actually two issues which probably appear to be one. It's not my place to act as a spokesperson for them, so my suggestion is you reach out to them and ask them any questions you have.

Here is the exact quote from Margo's Domain Sherpa interview (Sept 2014) regarding acceptance rates:

Michael: Wow. And of those 250 to 300 domain names that are submitted per week, how many are actually accepted?

Margot: That really varies. Up until this year, when we were keeping the marketplace very small, we were really, really strict and our acceptance rate was about eight percent. We have increased it. Probably on an average week we take maybe 25 percent now, but we are seeing a trend of our current group or current community of domain owners. They are learning what we like and what we do not like, and so weeks where we do not really get a new people coming in to submit and it is just all of our regulars, we can get acceptance rates up to about 70 percent because people do not even register something anymore if they do not think that we are going to like it.

PS -- BB is really moving along now on the reviews the past week or so. Some of my names submitted April 6th through 9th have just been reviewed. So they are catching up and slowly closing the waiting gap.
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I just got an April 12th name rejected. They are busting through the list.

Hopefully they have some more logo people on call to keep up with all of these names.
our acceptance rate was about eight percent. We have increased it. Probably on an average week we take maybe 25 percent now

Thanks for digging that out. I suspect it's gone higher again since late last year. Overall I'm in the fifties on my submissions, and recent names over last 2-3 months far higher. Just need more sales now to justify all the time and effort going into getting these names.
Fresh new rejection list with not even 1 accepted!! There's some sick brandables in there... Think going to work on my site and start marketing it instead of relying on BB anymore. No matter how you cut it there's some sick brandables they just rejected. When I sell , more commission for me I guess. (Guys if you have some other ones rejected or accepted, it would be interesting to see what they're after these days)
helpwithstocks 5-04-11 Rejected
biscotea 2015-04-11 Rejected
speedik 2015-04-11 Rejected
creamd 2015-04-09 Rejected
juicekiosk 2015-04-09 Rejected
inmodi 2015-04-09 Rejected
ballest 2015-04-09 Rejected
huntyard 2015-04-09 Rejected
flightstate 2015-04-08 Rejected
pipeling 2015-04-07 Rejected
jobsynch 2015-04-07 Rejected
FWIW here's what I think of these:

helpwithstocks < how is this brandable? It's a pure generic
biscotea < "bisco-tea", "bis-cotea"? Would you name a business with this?
speedik < not terrible, but you'll always have the spell problem with "ik" vs. "ic". But even Speedic" isn't a great name IMO
creamd < adult written all over it - no one is going to name a non-adult business with this
juicekiosk < this isn't too bad, but more generic than brandable IMO
inmodi < brandable, but not good phoentics, difficult to say and spell
ballest < I cant think of anything this could work for
huntyard < this isn't bad, but it's very niche and wouldn't have broad appeal. I don't think hunting business go in for funky branding either.
flightstate < again, close to generic than brandable, but you might flog this in the future
pipeling < just cant see how this could be used - "A Little Pipe"?
jobsynch < I doubt "synch" is a well-known term, and not even sure if it's used in US.

There's only two there I'd consider as hand reg names, and even then I'd probably skip them due to lack of market appeal. Sorry if that sounds negative, but sometimes being brutally honest is more helpful than saying nowt.
that's what people have said for pretty much all the names I've sold on BB, not sure what market appeal definition you have.

*Biscotea, After I registered this name, saw that not necessarily in North America, but there's actually a company called biscottea for your fyi.. it's a play on the term biscotti which you find in every cafe to have with coffee or tea

* As far as the Creamd being adult only.. have you written "erotic" in the category on BB.. you'll find, MightyErotic.Sexhale, Sexoid, Eroxo, Erotize & more.. Every time you see Ice Cream written do you giggle? We're not 10 years old and it's not a blatent or hardcore name.

*Ballest : "baller" is a term widely used to designate something which is amazing, incredible.. Ballest is a brandable meaning the best of.

* Inmodi : "Modi" / Moda is style in Italian.. and there's actually a manufacturer in with custom designs with that name.

*jobsynch.. the word synch is widely used whether its to synch with itunes, lip synch or countless other instances.. so before you "analyze" my names.. how bout a quick research

I've sold Toffle, Perkus, Onubu, Nuviso & others on BB.. would've gotten similar "editorial opinion pieces" like your comment if I had asked everyone's opinion. Alot of people were selling 2 keyword names too.. anyways.. I do get consierable offers on GD & Sedo.. & on BB these type of names were being accepted. Or at least partially.
Take a look at what's on the site, most of the names I listed above have more "market appeal" than countless ones that are listed.

and for your FYI.. there was a name that I asked BB to reconsider, within 2-3 months it sold.

Curious, how many have you sold on BB?
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I offered an opinion, and I can see you don't appreciate it. I'm sorry about that, and I'll remember not to engage with you next time.
I don't mind opinions, but with a bit of substance, instead of saying I don't think it's good.. but when you do a quick google search, you see evidence that there is some value. Speedik & Pipeling, I agree it wasn't the best names in the list, but to me, it was worth the reg fee at least to try
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The word synch is not used with iTunes, or lips or countless other instances. I believe the informal word you are looking for is "sync". I imagine even would also be rejected, not because it's a bad name (It's a good name IMO), but due to the fact that JobSync is actually a registered TM.
Just got 1 more accepted and 3 reject. (total 2 accepted now, 5 Rejected)

This is the first time i have submitted my domains there.
They might have loosen there criteria.
The word synch is not used with iTunes, or lips or countless other instances. I believe the informal word you are looking for is "sync". I imagine even would also be rejected, not because it's a bad name (It's a good name IMO), but due to the fact that JobSync is actually a registered TM.

According to Merriam-Webster both sync and synch are used. Maybe the close to TM issue may be a reason don't know but most these sites don't have world TM's

Like I said do a quick search on Google before saying things... Write "iTunes + synch" you have countless posts from blog's to official sites using synch instead of sync
I actually tried this about a month ago and the response I received was that the owner no longer does this because she's been getting so many requests to relook at names.

I will try to confirm with Margot today. Sorry about the confusion...
It looks like some people haven't been very lucky lately, getting their names accepted by BrandBucket. On the other hand I seem to be enjoying all time high acceptance rate and I'm grateful for it, so I thought I'd share my latest names that got "green light" from BB, their suggested prices and some extra info in hope that it can be of help.

actada 2015-04-09 Accepted $2,495 - built from "act" and loosely derived from "action"
capiza 2015-04-09 Accepted $2,995 - derived from "capital"
deuxy 2015-04-09 Accepted $5,295 - built from "deux", French for "two"
jetoa 2015-04-09 Accepted $1,395 - built from "jet"
jeunea 2015-04-09 Accepted $1,795 - built from "jeune", French for "young / youthful"
lovago 2015-04-09 Accepted $1,995 - fusion of "love" and "go"
nanoxa 2015-04-09 Accepted $1,895 - built from "nano"
ingrea 2015-03-28 Accepted $1,495 - derived from "ingreat", meaning "to enlarge / to make great"
majexa 2015-03-28 Accepted $1,795 - derived from "majestic"
solrea 2015-03-28 Accepted $1,295 - built around "sol", meaning "sun" in many languages
viviga 2015-03-28 Accepted $1,495 - derived from "vivir", Spanish for "to live"
exudia 2015-03-24 Accepted $1,395 - derived from "exude"
wearza 2015-03-24 Accepted $1,595 - trendy play on "wear"

I'd say that in 4 out of 5 times I pick names based on a keyword they either contain (wearza, nanoxa, jetoa, jeunea) or are derived from, directly or loosely (capiza = capital, majexa = majestic, viviga = vivir). The best names are usually those built around or derived from English words, but BB also seems to have high appreciation for names with root word steming from Romance languages (Latin, Italian, French, Spanish).

Occasionally they accept names with roots in some other languages, like they did with my Efria (efri = topmost in Icelandic), Nitoa (bind or staple in Finnish) and so on, but I believe such names are accepted mostly for their sonic and visual quality, that is for being succinct, straightforward and somewhat exotic.

Every now and then I go for pure brandables that appeal to me simply for what they sound and/or look like, but not very often. Even then I do my best to find out whether there is a connection to some language, something I can use for my pitch, so to speak.

I haven't had any luck at all with my 4L names so far, roughly 10 of which are spread across 3 brandable marketplaces. Given their ever higher acquisition cost and poor conversion (so far) I decided to stay away from them completely for the time being.

On the other hand 5L and 6L names are literally lying around in troves, freely available and waiting to be plucked. And yes, that means that every single of my 5L and 6L names is a hand reg. I try to stick to these as they are fairly short, but still long enough to be connected to or directly derived from some keyword and hence assigned a proper meaning to. I see that as lending them an extra value in eyes of potential buyers, whereas in case of 4L names people often have to resort to all kinds of explanations to get a point across.

Keywords I look for in my names must convey preferably positive, or at the very least a neutral meaning, and be as wide and universal as possible. For example in the aforementioned list keywords are, from top to bottom: act/action, capital, two, jet, young/youthful, love+go, nano, ingreat, majestic, to live, exude, wear. Most are applicable in many ways and none carry negative impressions such as, I don't know, cry, tears, sickness, fall, crash, burn, drop, lose, hang etc. You get the drift.

Trendy suffixes that I like, which also seem to be popular with all brandable marketplaces are, but not limited to, -xa, -xo, -xy, -za, -zy, -zia, -go, -ga, -ro, -us, -ius. I don't care much for -ly, even though Michael Krell does seem to have a lot of success with it. Hats off for that.

Whenever I go through droplists, I have several tabs open:

1) - absolutely your best friend

2) Unibrander - globally wide trademark search (I used Markify before, but it is no longer free)

3) Google translate - unless the meaning is clear, run any word you like, part of it or slightly changed form
through GT and you may be surprised with results

4) Google search - I always check the name I like in "quotes", as it's good to know what number one search engine has to say about it in general and what are search volumes (not that it hugely matters though)

5) - info on past registrations and some extras, like screenshots of previously hosted sites on that domain, estimated search volume

6) Online dictionary of your choice for some of those "elusive" English words

7) BrandBucket - last but not least, once I find a keyword my "name candidate" is based on, I like to run it through BB search in order to see how many names based on that very word have been accepted so far and how strictly do they actually follow the form of a keyword, that is whether they are loosely related or directly built on/from

What else? Well, typos, names with double letters and those missing letters from a keyword I haven't had much luck with in terms of acceptance, not in BB or anywhere else for that matter. I don't have many, but some like Suirl (swirl), Lngua (lingua or lengua = language), Emryo (embryo), Urbbo (urbo as in urban) have never gotten a green light in any of brandable marketplaces. Maybe it's just me and maybe it's sign of times, or trends in this case.

Just to further illustrate that there are still decent 5L and 6L words freely available, here is the list of names that I "collected" over last several weeks, hand regged yesterday and finally submitted to BB for a review:

Apzia - built from "app"
Axyro - derived from "axis"
Baoxy - built from "bao", Chinese for "package", and also loosely reminiscent of "boxy"
Coribo - very loosely reminiscent of "corida", no other meaning, but I simply liked it for its Spanish flavored sound
Cribea - built from "crib"; all things baby
Emveo - built from "emve", Zulu for "back" - think along the line of "holding your back" or "backing you up"
Fivezy - built from "five", as in "top five", "big five", "high five"
Mobzia - built from "mob", so it can be perceived as either "mobile" or mob as in crowd (funding/sourcing)
Nidoro - Latin flavored and built from "nido", Italian for "nest" or "home"
Oasius - clearly derived from "oasis"
Qodus - loosely reminiscent of "code", but otherwise loved for its highly business-like form
Vuvuo - short, soft, baby talk like and with repetitive syllable; no special meaning though
Wavezy - built from "wave", jovial and cheerful
Zizago - vivacious "go" at the end and strongly reminiscent of "zig zag"

Sorry for this wall of text and somewhat brainstormy outline of it. I just kept writing whatever came to my mind without clear respect for structure, but I hope that at least some of it may be of use to you. Good luck :)
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I'm starting to think that GD auctions is getting too expensive for decent names these days... If you're the one who snipes at just under 5 mins (resetting the remaining clock back to 5:59), you're the bane of my life :)

:) Generally that isn't my MO unless I forgot to bid earlier. Prices have definitely increased, but nothing like DropCatch or Namejet in my opinion...
A bunch of my April 7th and 10th domains have been reviewed. Almost all rejected .. only 2 new accepted which are : harvora and eracora.

5 of the 6 domains I got approved end with an "a" .. it seems they like that.

My favorite rejected are : nocolys, tianira, elcidia .. I really thought these could be good brandable names.
I will try to confirm with Margot today. Sorry about the confusion...

Just in case you're interested…Just a FEW of my Recent rejects...


Also dictionary words recently rejected ...


I did have a few dictionary words accepted but I'm not going to list them due to the loow price.

They want me to list the dictionary word "Enrooted" for under 1,500.00 and cushily for around 2k
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Got feedback on a handful of names today. All rejected, except one that I no longer own:) It seems like its harder to get keywordkeyword names accepted, and easier to get made up brandables accepted, these days.

On another note, I keep seeing a lot of names at BB that are nearly the same as famous brands, with a letter changed or removed, or two letters swapped. And then they also got names for sale, like Zymatic, that are trademarked. They should be more careful about TMs imo, as many of their buyers probably don't know about potential issues with these names.
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On another note, I keep seeing a lot of names at BB that are nearly the same as famous brands, with a letter changed or removed, or two letters swapped. And then they also got names for sale, like Zymatic, that are trademarked. They should be more careful about TMs imo, as many of their buyers probably don't know about potential issues with these names.
Funny that you say that, since like 2 months ago I decided not to hand reg otherwise great name Soleza because of this:

Want to know where it is now?
Funny that you say that, since like 2 months ago I decided not to hand reg otherwise great name Soleza because of this:

Want to know where it is now?
Well according to their FAQ, its not their problem if there is a TM in place (they believe the buyer needs to do due diligence, its not a service provided by BB).

"We recommend that you do some research and/or seek legal advice to ensure that the name you are interested in does not have an existing trademark by a competitor in your industry and within your region. If the name is not trademarked, or has a trademark unrelated to how you plan to use it, then you have a good chance of being able to trademark the name yourself. If there is an existing trademark, keep in mind that, as long as your business is in a different industry, you may still be able to file a trademark for the name."

On another note, I was considering to reg wearza earlier this year. Then suddenly it appeared in the reg of the day thread here at NPB-)
The problem as a seller is that with fully made up brandables that don't mean anything, if your lucky and it's a decent one, Maybe you'll sell on BB. If it doesn't sell, chances of selling elsewhere is close to none.. I'm not talking about very high end catchy brandables. Referring more to most of the names these days on BB. Renewal is going to be a bitch in 1 year for a lot of people.
Well according to their FAQ, its not their problem if there is a TM in place (they believe the buyer needs to do due diligence, its not a service provided by BB).

On another note, I was considering to reg wearza earlier this year. Then suddenly it appeared in the reg of the day thread here at NPB-)
I'm aware of their policies regarding trademarked names, and everyone else's for that matter, which are pretty much alike in all marketplaces. If I can help it myself though and stay away from a trademarked name, I will do so, especially in case of brandables which are more unique in form and likelier to be picked out of the crowd as future UDRP candidates. Anyway, that is my view of things and I appreciate that other people may look at it differently.

And sorry about Wearza :guilty: As a compensation I can pm you 3 names from my backlog for you to consider picking one or more from, if you wish (and I'm serious about it) ;)
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