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I am new to BrandBucket. Before getting my hands on this

I wish to experience about brandbucket from my fellow members

Thanks :)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
and how many names did BB have at that point listed? approx? TY

Between 11-12,000.

Sale was no longer than a couple of months ago.
London, you block your profile, how do i start a conversation with you? Please start one with me if you dont mind.
London, you block your profile, how do i start a conversation with you? Please start one with me if you dont mind.
sorry about that hold on sent!
I think those GD Premium auctions can be set to automatically renew every 90 days. That's probably what happened @London555.
I think those GD Premium auctions can be set to automatically renew every 90 days. That's probably what happened @London555.
That's true if we hadn't received those BB emails demanding our names be taken off everyplace else I wouldn't even care but thanks for the reply.
Honestly, I wish/hope Michael and BB are putting most of their efforts into making the BUYER'S experience better and ignoring most of the seller complaints on this thread.

It's really nice that they are doing the newsletter and want to give us more info, etc... but I'd rather all of that effort go into buyer outreach and education.

Also, i believe in the 80/20 rule and I would just start booting the biggest problem domainers.

This is all just my 2 cents. I'm sure most here will disagree, but the better BB is for BUYERS, the better it will be for us sellers, and that is where their optimizations should continue to be.
@ Jim Jammy

I'm not sure what you're reading but I have not demanded Michael to give us any of his 4 years of brandable experience like you say. I want BrandBucket to show sales and to prove to everyone here that BrandBucket actually does sell names and doesn't just live off the submission fees. 115 names added to BB in this last 24 hour period. $1,150 in one day in fees. A very small company like BB can easily profit on $1,000 a day. $30,000 a month is a nice small business. Show your sales BB and prove that you actually sell names. I don't think they sell many names. Like I said before, there are a lot of BB sellers here on Namepros and if they were actually selling names they would be bragging about it.

BrandRoot is a very similar business with very similar names and they outrank BrandBucket in most searches and BrandRoot may sell one name a day and sometimes none. To think that BrandBucket is selling so much more isn't very logical at all in my opinion.

I realise now that by quoting your post, you may think I was referring to you specifically about the posts demanding BB brandable information. That was not my intention, I was referring to the 'colloquial you' members in this thread.

I have respect for you as a domainer hookbox, but I really don't understand this vendetta you seem to have with BB, particularly as you don't even list any of your domains with them...

This is exactly why I left them. They could care less about you, it's all about them. They used all of you to get a large list of names and now they are kicking you to the curb and using your traffic to sell their names.

All of the BrandBucket groupies are finally going to show their true colors and give real opinions of this company now that they have to pay 10 bucks per name.

The fireworks started early this July 4th weekend. Who loves Michael Krell now?

Seriously! What are you talking about?! I'm thrilled at this change. I don't want a bunch of pain-in-the-bum domainers loading up a bunch of crap domains and dropping them after a year any more than BB does. The more people that do this, the more chance there is of BB closing it's doors to outsiders simply because it's no longer worth the hassle.

That $10 fee goes right into BrandBucket's pocket. This week so far they would have taken in an extra $6,730. So is their business model selling domains or taking listing fees?

$30,000 a month doing nothing but taking listing fees is a pretty profitable business to run. :)

It really isn't any of our business how they run their business. We have a choice to pay a listing fee to display our names in front of their clients. We can take it or leave it. That's it.

For those that haven't seen Brand Bucket's names here is the link to the 2,257 names that are in direct competition with yours. Honestly I thought i would be more impressed with the list.

Deliberately deceptive! We have been offered the opportunity to list our names in front of their clients, we are not in competition with them, if anything, they are in competition with us. Without our names they could still make a sale of one of their own domains.

Yep, looks like they disabled the user profiles. I guess they don't like everyone knowing that they put their own names under privacy and now you can't see for yourself the 2,257 names that are in direct competition with yours.

Makes it look like their hiding something that's for sure.

Responded to by Michael. This was an error on your part, though I notice you didn't apologise.

The only logical answer is that Michael is able to push his own inventory over yours and get on the front page with every single name.

Responded to by Michael. An incorrect accusation on your part that again you didn't apologise for.

Having the director of the company (Michael) and the owner of the company (Boxador-Margot) being in direct competition with you is s real conflict of interest. It's not only a real conflict of interest it's a huge conflict of interest.

WE are the conflict of interest. To remove this conflict of interest they would have to remove OUR names from their website.

15,000 names listed I think it's about time to SHOW SOME SALES ALREADY!

How many times do they have to tell you in this thread that they do not want to show sales? Accept it. Do you post your sales? No. Do I post my sales? No. Why? I know why I don't... too many crazy domainers contacting my buyers with their similar domains. I'm guessing, but I suspect something similar has happened to BB in the past.

I see that you sold Bagogo but I couldn't find your other sales listed here. Can you tell us these other sales you are talking about? I figure if you can tell us you sold Bagogo then you can tell us the other names also. I doubt the company asked you to keep the info private.

Do you really say that to another member? How dare you? Particularly as you don't post your sales for other members to scrutinize.

@ Jim JammyLike I said before, there are a lot of BB sellers here on Namepros and if they were actually selling names they would be bragging about it.

Who brags? Newbies... long term domainers that have something to benefit from it (like their own product or website they are selling)... and the odd few members that just enjoy sharing. VERY FEW long term successful domainers post their sales. You and I don't post our sales as the perfect example. I know members here that are selling domains on BB that don't post their sales. Their choice.

As I said, I do have respect for you but I'm not getting this constant (and tiring!) badgering of BB. Looking back over the last half a dozen pages or so I can't see any long term successful domainer supporting you and you are winding up newbies. This is not going to help them develop into long term successful domainers(brandable or otherwise).

In case you missed it. Doron listed sales he could find from BB here:
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Honestly, I wish/hope Michael and BB are putting most of their efforts into making the BUYER'S experience better and ignoring most of the seller complaints on this thread.

It's really nice that they are doing the newsletter and want to give us more info, etc... but I'd rather all of that effort go into buyer outreach and education.

Also, i believe in the 80/20 rule and I would just start booting the biggest problem domainers.

This is all just my 2 cents. I'm sure most here will disagree, but the better BB is for BUYERS, the better it will be for us sellers, and that is where their optimizations should continue to be.
Honestly, I wish/hope Michael and BB are putting most of their efforts into making the BUYER'S experience better and ignoring most of the seller complaints on this thread.

It's really nice that they are doing the newsletter and want to give us more info, etc... but I'd rather all of that effort go into buyer outreach and education.

Also, i believe in the 80/20 rule and I would just start booting the biggest problem domainers.

This is all just my 2 cents. I'm sure most here will disagree, but the better BB is for BUYERS, the better it will be for us sellers, and that is where their optimizations should continue to be.
I really don't think anything said here on an open forum qualifies anyone as a "problem domainer" lol
I really don't think anything said here on an open forum qualifies anyone as a "problem domainer" lol

EDITING: NO, i meant people that waste their time in general. Allocating all resources towards buyers is best for us all.

And don't be defensive.
EDITING: NO, i meant people that waste their time in general. Allocating all resources towards buyers is best for us all.

And don't be defensive.
Im defensive by nature-don't take it personal. lol btw I agree with you re wasting their time etc.
Hey everyone, just want you to know I changed my name to my real name (used to be "llcacquire"). You can do it for free regardless of membership level here at NP (change to your real name, that is).

I'm up to 70 of my 101 accepts listed (#70 Jobodo, must be at least as good as Bagogo ;) ). Most listed have occurred in the past month, many very recently. I am not so close to my 7,300 "listed days" needed to make it more likely than not that a 5% sell-through rate would've resulted in a sale. Once I have 100 listed, that cycle occurs every 73 days, though.

I for one am looking forward to this seller's newsletter. Although I will admit that with the $10 listing fee and no sales under my belt at present, I am leaning towards not submitting for awhile.

Here's a report of a BB sale (yesterday) that didn't make this thread:
Small update on my stats:

Listed - 350
Sold - 14
Accepted/Pending/Queued - ~100

I had 1 sale on BB in late June after an 8-week quiet period, and then another sale this week.

FWIW I think Michael has had phenomenal success which is primarily down to having an exceptionally good eye for names that generate demand. I don't think there's any inherent advantage afforded to him beyond the quality of his names.

I also think his success is exceptional - others looking on should consider him an outlier rather than a proxy for general success. I've adjusted my expected BB sales rate to 3% now from the previous 5% level I previously considered appropriate.
Thank you Michael but Im not sure how someone else could list it ( on GD just 44days ago with their verification system ( we use them all the time) when you owned it then? And as to keeping these comments friendly, of course I will,but pointed doesn't mean unfriendly. Thank you.

Hi guys,

I can confirm Michael's comments about the Godaddy Listings. It happens to me all the time, I'll buy a recently dropped domain name, and the previous owner's Godaddy listing will remain live.

I had 2 sales in June, but I have hit a bit of a sales slump for the last couple of weeks that I chalk up to summer seasonality and variance.

I will keep you guys updated.
The "OVAMA" logo currently on the front page. Wow. That probably took the designer 2 minutes to do.
Hi guys,

I can confirm Michael's comments about the Godaddy Listings. It happens to me all the time, I'll buy a recently dropped domain name, and the previous owner's Godaddy listing will remain live.

I had 2 sales in June, but I have hit a bit of a sales slump for the last couple of weeks that I chalk up to summer seasonality and variance.

I will keep you guys updated.
Thank you Andrew.
The "OVAMA" logo currently on the front page. Wow. That probably took the designer 2 minutes to do.
Yeah... hard to make a logo for it since it means nothing, but I agree that the owner won't be too happy about it. While checking the 1st page, saw the name "paymentpayment". Logo is ok, but that name... why did BB accept that? Is there a market for repetitive names? Like I don't know... businessbusiness or bucketbucket?
paymentpayment saw that too and though it is odd
I realise now that by quoting your post, you may think I was referring to you specifically about the posts demanding BB brandable information. That was not my intention, I was referring to the 'colloquial you' members in this thread.

I have respect for you as a domainer hookbox, but I really don't understand this vendetta you seem to have with BB, particularly as you don't even list any of your domains with them...

Seriously! What are you talking about?! I'm thrilled at this change. I don't want a bunch of pain-in-the-bum domainers loading up a bunch of crap domains and dropping them after a year any more than BB does. The more people that do this, the more chance there is of BB closing it's doors to outsiders simply because it's no longer worth the hassle.

It really isn't any of our business how they run their business. We have a choice to pay a listing fee to display our names in front of their clients. We can take it or leave it. That's it.

Deliberately deceptive! We have been offered the opportunity to list our names in front of their clients, we are not in competition with them, if anything, they are in competition with us. Without our names they could still make a sale of one of their own domains.

Responded to by Michael. This was an error on your part, though I notice you didn't apologise.

Responded to by Michael. An incorrect accusation on your part that again you didn't apologise for.

WE are the conflict of interest. To remove this conflict of interest they would have to remove OUR names from their website.

How many times do they have to tell you in this thread that they do not want to show sales? Accept it. Do you post your sales? No. Do I post my sales? No. Why? I know why I don't... too many crazy domainers contacting my buyers with their similar domains. I'm guessing, but I suspect something similar has happened to BB in the past.

Do you really say that to another member? How dare you? Particularly as you don't post your sales for other members to scrutinize.

Who brags? Newbies... long term domainers that have something to benefit from it (like their own product or website they are selling)... and the odd few members that just enjoy sharing. VERY FEW long term successful domainers post their sales. You and I don't post our sales as the perfect example. I know members here that are selling domains on BB that don't post their sales. Their choice.

As I said, I do have respect for you but I'm not getting this constant (and tiring!) badgering of BB. Looking back over the last half a dozen pages or so I can't see any long term successful domainer supporting you and you are winding up newbies. This is not going to help them develop into long term successful domainers(brandable or otherwise).

In case you missed it. Doron listed sales he could find from BB here:

1. No vendetta but this company needs to be transparent with it's sellers and prove that they do more than just live off submission fees.

2. After I listed Boxador's list of privacy names they did shut down the user profiles but then realized by doing it, that it showed guilt so they turned it back on and blamed it on a glitch. That glitch just so happened to appear after I listed the names. So, No, Michael won't be getting an apology. :)

3. There are many that support exactly what I am saying but talk to me behind the scenes about this company. What do you think would happen if they publicly talked about it in this thread. I would assume you would be smart enough to know the answer to that.

4. You can join Domainaffix and just ignore me if you don't like to hear what I have to say. I've never used it but there is a button in your profile area just for that.

5. Many here PM me and ask for naming tips and I am more than willing to help if you would like. After seeing your names I would definitely PM me :)

6. I asked Domainaffix if he could list his other sales like he listed Bagogo. I figured if he could list that name then he could list the other names.

7. I have listed my names on BrandBucket, I have sold my names on BrandBucket, I have removed my names from BrandBucket.

This thread is called the BrandBucket Experience and I have every right to voice my opinion on this topic.

Hopefully young and old will learn something from my BrandBucket Experience and for those that don't like it don't read it.
1. No vendetta but this company needs to be transparent with it's sellers and prove that they do more than just live off submission fees.

2. After I listed Boxador's list of privacy names they did shut down the user profiles but then realized by doing it, that it showed guilt so they turned it back on and blamed it on a glitch. That glitch just so happened to appear after I listed the names. So, No, Michael won't be getting an apology. :)

3. There are many that support exactly what I am saying but talk to me behind the scenes about this company. What do you think would happen if they publicly talked about it in this thread. I would assume you would be smart enough to know the answer to that.

4. You can join Domainaffix and just ignore me if you don't like to hear what I have to say. I've never used it but there is a button in your profile area just for that.

5. Many here PM me and ask for naming tips and I am more than willing to help if you would like. After seeing your names I would definitely PM me :)

6. I asked Domainaffix if he could list his other sales like he listed Bagogo. I figured if he could list that name then he could list the other names.

7. I have listed my names on BrandBucket, I have sold my names on BrandBucket, I have removed my names from BrandBucket.

This thread is called the BrandBucket Experience and I have every right to voice my opinion on this topic.

Hopefully young and old will learn something from my BrandBucket Experience and for those that don't like it don't read it.

1. That's the point. They DON'T have to prove they are not living off sellers fees. We are not shareholders in their company. We have no right to any information on their company at all. Admittedly, it would be nice to have but we don't have any right to it. They have recently stated they will be sending out a newsletter with some basic information.

2. They did not shut down user profiles. IF they had shut down user profiles, they wouldn't turn them back on within seconds of someone noticing and blame it on a glitch, what a waste of time that would be, they would know that someone would notice they had gone within seconds. In any event, there was no glitch in that section alone, the whole website went down.

3. I don't believe you. If you feel like there would be some repercussions to negatively talking publicly in this thread about BB then why are you doing it? YOU don't even have any names listed at BB so you are jeopardising OUR relationship with them. Please stop it.

4. I'd rather you just stop with constant badgering to be honest.

5. That's great! You have a skill in this area I have no doubt about that. I'm doing just fine thanks.

6. If a member chooses not to list their sales, asking them again is not polite.

7. Great, so there is no need for you to be in the BB thread taking up their time and resources.

As you state, the thread is titled the Brandbucket Experience, as you are no longer Experiencing Brandbucket....
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One more theory I've been considering is that Michael's portfolio size also means that he has the highest velocity of new names coming into BB. Since BB is architected as one big bucket list of names for sale, new names pass quickly across the top of the site and move down into relative obscurity within the bucket (IMO that is, and I think discovery is one of the biggest problems in the site).

Now since Michael has more names passing through the funnel than anyone else, he also has more names sitting at the top of the funnel at any point in time, and therefore gets more eyes on his names at those top levels of the site (both homepage and page 1 of keyword/category buckets). This, I beleive, may also be a strong factor in his exceptional sales rate.

But without knowing the overall sales rate on BB (which, understandably, we're never likely to know) we can't say for sure whether Michael's sales rate is significantly different. I suspect strongly that it is though. In fact this is almost certain since no other seller has reported sales rates even near to Michael's. To put it another way - since all of the rest of us have such low sales rates (relatively speaking), the overall sale rate must be lower. It's simple arithmetic. Nothing wrong with this, and it's common in all markets that some players will be above average, while others will be sub-par.

I've spoken to Michael in person, and I think he has some great plans to increase transparency with sellers and provide information to help us better identify trends and opportunities through the data BB has at hand. Change always takes time to implement, so I'm going to be cautiously patient and see what happens.
We will be doing a monthly seller's newsletter that will have this type of info (most popular keywords searched, most popular categories browsed, etc.

Hi @michaeljkrell,
Nice to hear that.

Will there be any stats on member's/seller's dashboard, such as how many times our landing page is viewed? since we forward to BB's site or use BB nameserver, we don't have any clue about it.

Yeah... hard to make a logo for it since it means nothing, but I agree that the owner won't be too happy about it. While checking the 1st page, saw the name "paymentpayment". Logo is ok, but that name... why did BB accept that? Is there a market for repetitive names? Like I don't know... businessbusiness or bucketbucket?

paymentpayment saw that too and though it is odd

Same thought -- made me rethink Brand Bucket's listing standards.
Same thought -- made me rethink Brand Bucket's listing standards.

A couple of those. I saw "equityequity" aswell. And "startstart". There are sales of names like these if the keyword is heavy. Let's see if they sell.
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You can add mine to the list:
BrandTerra 215 names /200+ names waiting for logos etc./

1 sale back in January....
That's it out of 215 names published-just one sale since January ? Thank you for posting this.
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