discuss Decoding of Words (Hidden Meanings)

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hello all
Decided to start such a thread about this, not sure how it is named, I know there is a scientific name for this but forgot it.
I began long time ago decoding of words in different languages, what I mean is that some words are made of smaller words to give another meaning, below are some examples from my collection of what I mean, if you find others write them in this thread, I knew allot but I was not writing them to remember, now I keep a txt doc to write them there, might be useful for our domaining journey, even if I joke that domaining is dead. :xf.wink:
Here are some, to begin the thread.

seat = s+eat
apothecary = a+pot+he+cary
therapist = the+rapist
therapeutics = the+rape+utics
Washington = washing+ton
joking = Jo+King
fucking = Fuc+King
Singapore = sing+a+pore
Turkey= tur+key (Tour Key)
Chicago = chica+go (Spanish + English)
catastrophe = cat+as+trophe (Cat as Trophy)
information = in+formation or in+format+ion
assassin = ass+as+sin or ass+ass+in
banking = ban+king
parent = pa+rent (PA > Patern = Father)
transparent = trans+parent
manage = man+age
potato = pot+a+to (Pot a Toe)
carpet = car+pet
propagate = pro+pa+gate
propaganda = Pro+pagan+da (da mean Yes in some langs)
Babylon = baby+lon (real mean Baby Lone or Alone)
thousand = thou+sand
Friday = fri+day (Free Day)
freedom = free+dom (free+dome)
boundaries = bound+aries
Stonehenge = stone+henge (Stone Hang)
Police = pol+ice
helping = hel+ping or help+ing (Hell Ping)
hello = hell+o
butterfly = butter+fly
restaurant = rest+au+rant (AU = Gold or Australia)
condom = con+dom (Con Dome)
shortages = short+ages
purchase = pur+chase (Poor Chase)
millionaires = mill+ion+air+es (Aries ?)
billionaires = bill+ion+air+es (Aries?)
trillion = trill+ion
combination = combi+nation or com+bi+nation
bulldozer = bull+dozer
question = quest+ion
kidnap = kid+nap
feeling = fee+ling
transformation = trans+formation or trans+format+ion
asking = as+king
working = wor+king
address = ad+dress
cocktail = cock+tail
tracking = Trac+king (Thracian King)
begin = beg+in
pigment = pig+ment
conscience = con+science
intermittent = in+termit+tent or inter+mit+tent
fart = far+t or f+art
agenda = age+nda
highlight = high-light
condolences = con+do+lences
massage = mass+age
walking = wal+king (Wall King)
talking = tal+king (Tall King)
thinking = thin+king
message = mess+age
content = con+tent
intent = in+tent
analphabet = an+alpha+bet (An Alpha Beta)
manageability = man+age+ability
illegal = ill+egal (Ill Equal)
finally = fin+ally (Finland Ally), (End Ally) or (Financial Ally)
stainless = stain+less
layout = lay+out
terrestrial = terres+trial (Terra Trial)
ameliorate = amelio+rate
collection = collect + ion

P.s. when I joke it does not mean I m stupid, it means I m tired of reason and pretend to be stupid for laugh!
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therapist = the+rapist
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catacomb = cat a comb
investigation = in vest I gat ion (in vest I got ion)
invest = in vest
paramount = par a mount, para mount (Spanish + English) or par amount
mountain = mount a in
earn = ear n
learn = l ear n
industry = indus try (Hindus Try)
glove = g love
adjustment = ad just men t
fund = (from found)
search = se arch
archive = arc hive
army = arm y
warlock = war lock
mentor = men tor

Most of words end with Tor or Ion but Google is play ing with And roid.
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Hey 🙌

Namepros = Name Pros

Domain Nature = Do Main Na Ture ✌️

Internet = Inter Net

Website = Web Site

Enjoy = En Joy
  1. domain = do main (maybe from dome word) also house in Russian is Dom or Doma = at Home/homes.
  2. name = na me (me refer to oneself)
  3. oneself = one self
  4. shell = s hell or she'll
  5. female = fe male (Fe > iron male)
  6. demonstration = demon strat ion (Romanian strat > layer) also Ion is a male name in Romania, eg. Ivan/Vanea in Rusian or John/Jon in English
  7. democracy = demo cracy (demonic creature) :ROFL:
I know I write something most don't like but here is another explanation of word Banking.
If a King does not accept Banning the King eg. Banking he will end as Gaddafi and others. So if your country has resources a King and does not accept Banking, expect them to come to implement Banning the King in your country.
This guys moved my thread to other section, I will not visit anymore your website, I will come only to release the topic related to the secret, so that the squatters that visit this forum will not copy my ideas. I would say more but I will abstain.
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