
discuss GoDaddy Gives Big Bump To 4L .com Domain Values

Spaceship Spaceship


Domains88.comTop Member
I noticed this morning that the automated valuations of 4L .com has gone up dramatically.

Not sure why but many of my 4L .com domain automated values have more than doubled!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is the result for few of my names. All data are given in that image.

Thank you for the added sample :)

The more data the better.

This was done so swift and suddenly,
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Is my logic right in the following?
  • 3L / 4L disproportionately (to entire market) sell to Asia, either to end users or domain investors?
  • If there was a jump, does that mean that, at least on GD/Afternic, that part of market has become noticeably more active and higher value recently?
  • Is there independent evidence of new strength, in short lettered .com at least, in Asia in recent months?
  • A test on this might be to look at mixed mode (letter-number memorable short combinations) and number domain names to see if they also are up in value, since I am pretty sure they disproportionately sell in Asia, as to .cc domain names, I think. Only possible if someone has old records.
The above is just a hypothesis, so don't interpret that it is fact please :xf.wink:.

In summer 2018 I did a study of 30 5N .com GoValue estimates that I checked within minutes of the sales all on one day getting listed on NameBio, so hopefully prior to any adjustment due to sale. I did this to check how accurate GoValue was, and actually developed a formula for relating sales value to predicted value. In theory, this might be helpful to compare now for changes, but these particular sales are now in database so probably one can't use the exact predictions. Anyway, I thought I would share it.

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They may have adjusted their valuations, but what is it based on, are you guys getting 30% more for your domains now than 6 months ago?

good question

Otherwise I think it is a genius move to get higher pricing in auction, and in marketplace listings. When you appraise something for higher, and buyers who are not very educated on valuations, lean on those numbers with a trust factor, it will lead to more people hitting the BIN button thinking they are buying value

the move is genius, if it was manipulated by "them",
but it also reveals the psychological effect bot appraisals have
as what if they decide to lower values, after they sell off their 4 letter?

I still think the tool is dangerous for

sorry I cut your quote, but to me, it's dangerous because it has power to control pricing and sales

not looking forward to seeing a bot be the federal reserve of domain name values

control is coming....

I have seen it

Smokefree jumped to 24000 from 16000
Chained jumped to 23000 from 14000
Aqualife jumped to 24000 from 13000

I saw many names appraisal jumped
I have seen it

Smokefree jumped to 24000 from 16000
Chained jumped to 23000 from 14000
Aqualife jumped to 24000 from 13000

I saw many names appraisal jumped

that’s not a jump :xf.eek:

that’s like getting upgraded several times

Well done, now we know true EMD can double
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that’s not a jump :xf.eek:

that’s getting upgraded several times
I meant same as you are saying :) just wrote jump instead of upgraded :)
Uaav .com => still the same estimated value @ $4,026
From what I've seen, the real world value of 4L is dropping daily. People are struggling to liquidate them for over 100 bucks (random letters). The Sedo auction that just finished didn't have even 99 dollar bids on a lot of names with under a day to go.
4L that are pronouncable or are words in themselves have always had a higher value anyway.
GD bumping up prices could be a reaction to people staying at home more atm and maybe looking into starting online businesses or it could just be good old fashion market manipulation.

Either way, who gives a s**t what GD think?
i checked one week ago and i checked today.

That is very little time frame.

If you checked atleast three months approx ago, you can see the difference now.
Not com, all increased for my current list & wish list
Like if their valuations were useful anyways
I noticed this change 2 months ago were all my 4Ls doubled & tripled in value.

I do agree with GD on this buff, because previously 4Ls were appraised at wholesale values, thats because most historical 4L sales were between resellers and thus this influenced automated appraisal heavily. In the past I had many 4Ls appraised between $100 to $200 by GD, that price range is what we pay here in NP to buy 4Ls not what end user could pay!
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I do agree with GD on this buff, because previously 4Ls were appraised at wholesale values, thats because most historical 4L sales were between resellers and thus this influenced automated appraisal heavily. In the past I had many 4Ls appraised between $100 to $200 by GD, that price range is what we pay here in NP to buy 4Ls not what end user could pay!

Agreed, any significant increase is a win for the industry. End Users see these estimates when searching for domains via GoDaddy during their buying process.

The situation shouldn't exist where we are selling domains for 3-10+ times the GoDaddy estimates, but many are. This only drives prices down by giving consumers inaccurate information.
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idvj .com => still the same estimated value @ $2,289
that's good news
as we all know automated valuation really not-suck


throw a dice
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Thanks for sharing. I too checked. the curve is rising.
Thanks for sharing. I too checked. the curve is rising.
Well the update was accross the board on prices e.g.

HSAbenefits (com) - on 2/11/20 GV = $3,385.00 & Today = $5,798.00

I have several more - but just started reviewing
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I had an 8-letter name go from low $1K to high $4K valuation, it's still way undervalued.
Its seem good for sellers, some of domain buyers using godaddy value as standard when they never know the fact of that name in market.
Same for me. I have noticed valuations increased for some of the domains I checked.

as to 4L, I’ve got one CCCV with valuation jumped from 5K to almost 9K. And I happily increased the asking price too
I noticed that all my names published on SH and BB since my last check, now more or less doubled at GD appraisal.
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