
.mobi .mobi may be the biggest hoax in history...

Spaceship Spaceship
It just dawned on me that .mobi may be the biggest, most elaborate and well-funded, most contrived, well-thought out, bought into, successful and longest living hoax in history.

With all the major corporations, police stations, cell phone companies, search engines, et al. being swindled and tricked hourly, the ramifications are going to be huge!

It is going to be years and years before we get the full scope of the grift.

That damn .mobi :p
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
movingconcierge said:
It just dawned on me that .mobi may be the biggest, most elaborate and well-funded, most contrived, well-thought out, bought into, successful and longest living hoax in history.

...better watch out, that hoax almost sounds like reality..

when everyone believes the same thing, it becomes true. ;)
I've got your hoax right here, bud.
"The following thread contains a subject that is potentially volatile. Debate and heated discussions are okay, but do not post any messages that are obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting. Respect your fellow members! "

this something new? ^^

Michael :)
That is unnecessary really. This was a tongue in cheek thread...
.mobi may be the biggest hoax in history ...

^ It's certainly possible, IMHO. :blink:

Invest wisely, diversify (don't put all your eggs in one .MOBI Basket™), and develop & market accordingly! :gl: :talk:

Best of Luck.
-Jeff B-)
No, it's not possible Jeff,

We are going to get rich. I already spent the money.


sags said:
We are going to get rich. I already spent the money.


Which of your .MOBI's ... will make you reech, Sags? :gl: :music:
-Jeff B-)
Well.... hoax or not, I've been reaping the benefits either way. Nade a few grand off of it already. What I did is play both side of the fence. Got a few 3 letter .mobis, a few generics... sold a few and kept a few (just in case) ;)

In my honest opinion, I think it will fail, but no-sense being the one holding all the egs at the end of the day. So, just in case, I kept a few for a rainy day. I will go on record and say that mtld KNOWS that the extension will fail. Seriously, if they wanted the extension to truely succeed to the masses and not just fill there pockets with Telcom and banking dollars- they could have done it all ready. The marketing plan is so easy even a caveman can do it. The concept definitely has potential- I just think they are and continue to go about it the wrong way. They can take alot of pointers from the guys handling the .tv campaign- now there's a well though out and executed (to most extent) extention. What .mobi needed to do to survive is not try to replace traditional means of mobile communication, but sort of merge with it. They should have gotten American Idol to use Idol.mobi for the votes. They should have use celebrity advertisement. They should have gotten traditional media involved like .tv did in getting MLB.tv in on it. Do you know how big that will be for the extension during playoffs??? Massive viral movement. I personally hope .mobi succeeds... but if it doesn't I eat either ways :) such is the way the cookie crumbles. Jeff has the right idea- diversify... especially when it comes to ANY new ccTLD... spread the risk.... I baught a used car from .mobi earnings... if it fails... I won... if it succeeds.. I'll win more. The domain industry is growing- but it is not new. Learn the cycles and you'll always come out on top.
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movingconcierge said:
It just dawned on me that .mobi may be the biggest, most elaborate and well-funded, most contrived, well-thought out, bought into, successful and longest living hoax in history.

With all the major corporations, police stations, cell phone companies, search engines, et al. being swindled and tricked hourly, the ramifications are going to be huge!

It is going to be years and years before we get the full scope of the grift.

That damn .mobi :p

I doubt it. :tri: :cy: :tri:
S-L-O-W said:
Well.... hoax or not, I've been reaping the benefits either way. Nade a few grand off of it already. What I did is play both side of the fence. Got a few 3 letter .mobis, a few generics... sold a few and kept a few (just in case) ;)

In my honest opinion, I think it will fail, but no-sense being the one holding all the egs at the end of the day. So, just in case, I kept a few for a rainy day. I will go on record and say that mtld KNOWS that the extension will fail. Seriously, if they wanted the extension to truely succeed to the masses and not just fill there pockets with Telcom and banking dollars- they could have done it all ready. The marketing plan is so easy even a caveman can do it. The concept definitely has potential- I just think they are and continue to go about it the wrong way. They can take alot of pointers from the guys handling the .tv campaign- now there's a well though out and executed (to most extent) extention. What .mobi needed to do to survive is not try to replace traditional means of mobile communication, but sort of merge with it. They should have gotten American Idol to use Idol.mobi for the votes. They should have use celebrity advertisement. They should have gotten traditional media involved like .tv did in getting MLB.tv in on it. Do you know how big that will be for the extension during playoffs??? Massive viral movement. I personally hope .mobi succeeds... but if it doesn't I eat either ways :) such is the way the cookie crumbles. Jeff has the right idea- diversify... especially when it comes to ANY new ccTLD... spread the risk.... I baught a used car from .mobi earnings... if it fails... I won... if it succeeds.. I'll win more. The domain industry is growing- but it is not new. Learn the cycles and you'll always come out on top.
"Should have...," "should have...," "should have.."? It's happening as we speak -- the opportunities are just beginning. They haven't passed us by...
Imagine the recourse against mtld and their RFP dealing$....
dagersh said:
"Should have...," "should have...," "should have.."? It's happening as we speak -- the opportunities are just beginning. They haven't passed us by...

Happening doesn't count... it's what has been done... mtld slept.... time is crucial.... there are sooooo many other fishes looking to become players in terms of cell/net convergence. I have nothing against the extension... simply the people at the helm.... they're playing the river card and that's bad business. That's just how I play the game when it comes to ccTLDs, from management down to the extension- NOT the other way around.

Conceptually, the .mobi extension is a great idea... BUT... what drives in profit and longevity is proper marketing and leadership. IMHO the latter 10 extensions on the internet didn't make it because they lacked a proper business model that was about longevity instead of quick fixes/money in the pocket. For those old enough to remember- I recall a certain marketing strategy by .tv to get Sedo to use Sedo.tv to promote them. It lasted a while then faltered. It's the ebb and tide of the industry folks... people who've been there, seen it, can tell you- few things changes. You play your game my friend, and I will play mines. But we're all in it together so, I wish you the best. But one thing for sure--- this isn't new.
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S-L-O-W said:
Happening doesn't count... it's what has been done... mtld slept.... time is crucial.... there are sooooo many other fishes looking to become players in terms of cell/net convergence. I have nothing against the extension... simply the people at the helm.... they're playing the river card and that's bad business. That's just how I play the game when it comes to ccTLDs, from management down to the extension- NOT the other way around.

Conceptually, the .mobi extension is a great idea... BUT... what drives in profit and longevity is proper marketing and leadership. IMHO the latter 10 extensions on the internet didn't make it because they lacked a proper business model that was about longevity instead of quick fixes/money in the pocket. For those old enough to remember- I recall a certain marketing strategy by .tv to get Sedo to use Sedo.tv to promote them. It lasted a while then faltered. It's the ebb and tide of the industry folks... people who've been there, seen it, can tell you- few things changes. You play your game my friend, and I will play mines. But we're all in it together so, I wish you the best.

you are saying that mobi slept and the extension is only 8 months old. if any extension has been sleeping it is 7 year old .tv which nobody has still heard of. you are talking as if the mobile web has already blown up and been huge for the last 10 years. bank of america and all these companies are now just starting to go mobi. Do you think bank of america is going to promote .tv? lol. bud.tv hasnt even been a success and most people will probably go to mlb.com instead of .tv. pretty funny that you think you have "won" because you were able to buy a used car. with that low of a goal in domaining you arent going to get very far.
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Invest wisely, friends ...

mTLD and .MOBI are in a race against time ... I've stated this repeatedly throughout my posts here in the .MOBI Forum™, IMHO. Anyone who is currently hand registering .MOBI after .MOBI after .MOBI based on some of the recent sales and "news" that has been posted - and with no specific plans for developments - is in for several years of probable renewal fees and also very limited potential upside for re-sales, generally speaking! :imho:

Diversify! :talk:
-Jeff B-)
Jeff said:
mTLD and .MOBI are in a race against time ... I've stated this repeatedly throughout my posts here in the .MOBI Forum™, IMHO. Anyone who is currently hand registering .MOBI after .MOBI based on some of the recent "sales" and "news" that has been posted - and with no specific plans for developments - is in for several years of probable renewal fees and lso very limited potential upside for resales, generally speaking! :imho:

Diversify! :talk:
-Jeff B-)

same with .com or any other extension. you cant just single out .mobi on that. people are hand regging .com even though its been out for like 20 years.
nrmillions said:
same with .com or any other extension. you cant just single out .mobi on that. people are hand regging .com even though its been out for like 20 years.

Good point, but since we're here in the .MOBI Forum™ and discussing the possiblity that, over time, .MOBI may be the biggest hoax in history, etc. :gl: :talk:
-Jeff B-)
nrmillions said:
you are saying that mobi slept and the extension is only 8 months old. if any extension has been sleeping it is 7 year old .tv which nobody has still heard of. you are talking as if the mobile web has already blown up and been huge for the last 10 years.

A fellow Bostonian! Hey bud! That's not what I'm saying. .mobi doesn't fall in the same category as normal TLDs in terms of what they are trying to revolutionize. You can not compare .mobi conceptually with any other ccTLD. .mobi is in a league of its own and that is why I say time is crucial. It's not operating in solely domain based environment. For .mobi to make it... it requires industries outside the realm of domaining. .tv changed it's strategy which I thought was brilliant... it's doing exactly what .mobi wants to do and that's change the way a physical medium is interacted with by users used to that traditional medium. The only thing is, .tv learned from it's past... mobi has no past to learn from nor the leadership. It has potential, but they learned nothing from the .tv experience. Both are trying to revolutionize the way we use the top 2 media mediums in our country... 1 got the right people on board, and another doesn't. So what if it's been 8 months... a proper business model would have taken care of it all. .mobi should succeed conceptually but it won't due to leadership.
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Jeff said:
mTLD and .MOBI are in a race against time ... I've stated this repeatedly throughout my posts here in the .MOBI Forum™, IMHO.
There's very little you haven't stated repeatedly in your posts, Jeff, but that doesn't make them true.

Mobile browsing in the U.S. is just getting underway, and very slowly. Saying MOBI is failing is akin to expecting a horse to win a race when the racetrack hasn't even finished being built.
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dagersh said:
There's very little you haven't stated repeatedly in your posts, Jeff, but that doesn't make them true.

Mobile browsing in the U.S. is just getting underway, and very slowly. Saying MOBI has failed is akin to expecting a horse to win a race when the racetrack hasn't even finished being built.

Well... in diffence of Jeff's point of views ( which I support) I don't see the Japanese nore the Koreans (who are ages ahead of us in mobile tech) needing a new extension for there mobile devices. Am I wrong????
nrmillions said:
same with .com or any other extension. you cant just single out .mobi on that. people are hand regging .com even though its been out for like 20 years.

Yes - And people are Still approaching us to buy .com 's ... and Probably always will (There will always be new search terms and catch phrases).

I used my friends and family as Guinea Pigs recently - Called each of them asking about their online activities.

A few neices and one nephew (Younger crowd) - mainly use Google for all searches. My sister and friends (Older crowd) also do that some ... BUT - all of them mentioned they type the actual term into the Address Bar with .com on the end to see if there is already a site to find items.

The younger ones use mobile phones and Devices/gadgets more often than the older ones - None had ever heard of .mobi to this point .... All of them said they Automatically associate the Web with .com :blink:

Go do your own "Test" in different age groups.

As far as "backers" go , There's a big difference in throwing some change at people or allowing your "Brand" to be associated with .mobi THAN actually backing it IMO ~ Many have said they would like there to be a uniform code/ site validation for mobile device surfing - That has Nothing to do with the .mobi extension.

For EVERYONE who thinks there will ever be a default to .mobi - Think of the scenario in this thread : http://www.namepros.com/legal-issues-and-disputes/331147-name-with-multiple-trademark-holders.html

Who would deserve the .mobi Domain ? There are TM's on the same "Brand" but in different countries .... Are you saying the one who reg'd/bought the .mobi domain deserves all the Visitors ?

If the "Big" boys like Google and Yahoo didn't have the .mobi versions of their "Brand" - Do you think for one second they wouldn't Pull any company from their listings (Paid or not) that supported or sold devices and services "Defaulting" to another extension ?

A Forced "extension" will not work .... .xxx supporters now know this - There is too much money invested in brands/domains of all extensions already to force the adult industry onto 1 extension. Once again - You'd have people on Different extensions with the same "term/brand" - Who would have deserved the .xxx extension ? :|

S-L-O-W said:
Well... in diffence of Jeff's point of views ( which I support) I don't see the Japanese nore the Koreans (who are ages ahead of us in mobile tech) needing a new extension for there mobile devices. Am I wrong????

Mark said:
As far as "backers" go , There's a big difference in throwing some change at people or allowing your "Brand" to be associated with .mobi THAN actually backing it IMO ~ Many have said they would like there to be a uniform code/ site validation for mobile device surfing - That has Nothing to do with the .mobi extension.

That's what I'm primarily interested in knowing -- the nature of their "backing".
Funny, how some people can ignore the threads from the past few days, which for the most part, contained fairly positive news for the extension, its supporters and its developers.

Then as soon as another ".mobi is pointless" thread springs up...

Months ago, I would let myself get involved in big arguments in threads similar to this one (especially on the "other" forum). I decided to quit that and focus on the positives. I would encourage others who, like myself, support .mobi, and those who are involved in the developement and promotion of .mobi sites to do the same, and stop fueling the fire of negativity. It gets us NOWHERE.

Just my 2 cents :)
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no one can take a joke...every one has to use this as a pulpit to stroke their own ego...

I was making a joke and the critics just ate it up with a lap lap lap... COMPLETELY ignoring the less than subtle sarcasm that plagues their posts :laugh: so funny :laugh: you gotta know who was first in line...that's right - This message is hidden because Jeff is on your ignore list.

Circa1850 has the only genuine response to my post:

I've got your hoax right here, bud.
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