
discuss Offer from ceo

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take 3k on it?

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Top Member
so i got today offer on timetraveler,io direct from CEO of a software company
..3k first offer... I countered around 20k... then he said he can have timetravel,io at 5k bin..which is true..its a dan lander bin... how would u guys handle such negotiating given it's a ceo and the other 5k name... do u believe if someone can buy timetravel at 5k but makes 3k offer on timetraveler then in your view which of the 2 is their preferred name?? any comments? ty
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Nice problem to have for the weekend. I think we both know where your going to have to go with this and it will take a bit of work. Both terms are quite different in their context and usability. The ceo clearly has his eyes on timetraveler otherwise he would have purchased timetravel. It's a common tactic to throw up a false-flag in negotiations. This is actually about informing this ceo everything he already knows but you have to show you know it to. Keep your response concise and its not necessary to over elaborate. Do a points list on usability differences (for yourself) before you craft your response. I could go on and on - enjoy this bit of work because it will make that payday a lot sweeter.

some would say it's not necessary and just stick to your price. But actually I do think it makes a difference. Your reinforcing the ceo's own thoughts and that does close the deal much quicker.
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My advice is not to be a pushover. Traveler can be better than travel depending on intended usage.

Anyone playing mind games on me wouldn’t get a reply or I would tell him to go buy the other name.

Question becomes is 3K gonna change your life today? I doubt it. Its a pretty standard offer.
By his response, This potential buyer has said 'Justify your Price'
It could be said that he's actually disclosed that he is open to negotiations
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If I remember well Alcy struggles with his renewals and is in red zone. Take it. There will always be great deals ahead.
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Was part of the thread deleted?
Was part of the thread deleted?
Not that I've noticed - and I replied minutes after the first post. If anything was deleted it would have been within seconds of posting.

We do love a nice 'Sale in progress' here at NP ;)
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I personally think TimeTravel is a better name. It could be that he wants to secure your name first, and then buy TimeTravel for 5k or less.
If I remember well Alcy struggles with his renewals and is in red zone. Take it. There will always be great deals ahead.

true sales have slowed for me and I have 800 names... so renewals add up... but we all know how it goes... 3k goes some way... 5k bit further... etc etc
Was part of the thread deleted?

everything on topic so far so... til yer post that is Haha... so no reporting from me and no deleting... I did add poll tho ... didnt have originally.
I personally think TimeTravel is a better name. It could be that he wants to secure your name first, and then buy TimeTravel for 5k or less.

as someone said travel and traveler are quite different serving different purposes.. if I remember travel has no offer to lander so less than 5k might be tricky
Not that I've noticed - and I replied minutes after the first post. If anything was deleted it would have been within seconds of posting.

We do love a nice 'Sale in progress' here at NP ;)

agreed... I like reading em too... domain sales can be like sherlock Holmes novels
the word 'Traveler' encompasses the person, it speaks of involvement. Travel is the better general term. It just depends on where this potential buyer is looking to go with the domain. as it is an IO extension, this looks like it's going to be a Gamer development or something similar. Therefore traveler is far better.
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The point is not if 3k or 5k would be able to change your life.
The question is what are you going to do with these money?
If you can invest them with high return, then you should take them.
If you are going to let them sit in a bank account, better wait for a better offer.

Personally, I would try to find the owner of timetravel and offer him to buy his name for up to $500.

Can you find the size of the company that made you the offer?
The point is not if 3k or 5k would be able to change your life.
The question is what are you going to do with these money?
If you can invest them with high return, then you should take them.
If you are going to let them sit in a bank account, better wait for a better offer.

Personally, I would try to find the owner of timetravel and offer him to buy his name for up to $500.

Can you find the size of the company that made you the offer?

hahah me buy travel would be too obvious to him.. like an act of war lol I'll try to find their size but it could be hard... even so does rich company mean they pay more or are even cheaper.. good question
I don't think this reads as being a large company, more a successful developer with this particular project coming to fruition. That doesn't mean go cheap. I do think he has shown his hand by mentioning the other domain. This is not a skilled negotiator or somebody that could pass-on the negotiations to a marketing expert etc. I do think you can be relatively friendly in these negotiations. I could see this closing at just over $5k, probably $6k
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I don't think this reads as being a large company, more a successful developer with his project coming to fruition. That doesn't mean go cheap. I do think he has shown his hand by mentioning the other domain. This is not a skilled negotiator or somebody that could pass-on the negotiations to a marketing expert etc. I do think you can be relatively friendly in these negotiations. I could see this closing at just over $5k, probably $6k

good points. I think 5 to 10k is something I would take. io names are hot and I've always been a fan... held some 100 good ones for few years... but they are biatch to renew.. now almost 40usd... best extension after com imo.... but u need basically good 1word names... other things will sell but do u want to take chances at 40 usd.
Lets face it good Developers have a bit of an urgency about them and a focus on the end game. You don't want him ruling you out. So keep things moving forward. Use some of the key points about the usability of the wording . By all means, mention why Traveler sits above 'Travel' as a immersive domain name and ask for 9 or 10k. Anticipate a counter close to what you would settle for.
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Timetravel is better than Timetraveler
Many times the end user bought the name and never develop to a website - just let it sit there and the name will expire.
Take $3k and buy something else that you can sell for $300,000
Not sure I can tell you what to do, but, all things considered, if it was my name, I would take the 3K. Based on my experience, offers like this one fall off very easily and and then you are just left with regret and a name that may not receive a similar offer in a long time. I more or less agree with Johnn on this one.
I like 'time traveler' more as it sounds more like a brand compared to 'time travel' which kinda sounds like a scientific term.

A middle ground of $4k is what I would go for.
Tell him to go ahead and buy "timetravel", as you own that name as well. Checkmate.
Tell him to go ahead and buy "timetravel", as you own that name as well. Checkmate.

what if he is timetraveler and goes back in time and somehow checkmates me instead... anything is possible.
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