
question What's the value of

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Mug RuithTop Member
What are the key INDICATORS of value in non-acronym abbreviation LLLL .com names? (randomly selected I see wildly differing prices some starting only $ 99 on Namepros auctions and on up to five digits sales I'm a newbie so please withstand the urge to scold basic questions. I'm interested in adding some LLLL .com names to my portfolio but needs to be careful because even $ 99 is a lot of money to me right now. Cheers.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Don't be a Betamax. Be a VHS. Both systems basically got the job done. We may still use one for nostalgia. The other will probably never be remembered...ever again.

Now, if you had neither but could only afford a Betamax then that is what you got. Once you had bought one, I bet you couldn't even give it away.

IWQP - for example...good luck finding a company called Indoor Wholesale Quorn Packer. Yeah....its a 4L what. All the good ones are long gone and many are already in use. Can't think of any off the top of my head...why is that he wondered aloud.

Don't get to the yard sale too late and just buy the Betamax 'cos it was available.

This past week I hand regged a name for $6 and whilst it may not be the greatest domain name ever, I immediately could think of many different uses...vegetarian, veggie, vegan, online recipes, sandwich shop, blog etc etc.

It may never sell, but that is not so important as it cost me just $6.

Just don't try to jump on the band wagon once it has left the

Sure, what would I know...I'm just a Noobie too.


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My opinion based on observations

random letters especially if they contain letters x z j v q (maybe others) under 200

Real words like Cows Dogs Kite Dive 50k + (50k being the real low)

Pronounceables that don't mean anything to most people that pass the radio check like Flim Lenk 2k+

Pronounceables that don't pass the radio check Fylo Noby 600 +

4L's that end with I or C (inc / corp) that have a good first 3 letter combo can be more valuable depending how many companies can use it.

4L's that are the letters of a popular acronym are also more valuable.

If 99 is a lot for you avoid 4l's, a person is better off saving up for one good 4l than have a lot of meaningless 4l's.

Think about the buyers? How will they find you? With a domain that has a keyword maybe it will come up when they search godaddy or when they type it in, but with a random 4l you need to be real lucky someone even wants it.

The wholesale 4l market for meaningless names has not increased in years.

The price of pronounceable 4ls that pass the radio check and obviously 4l's with a real meaning continue to appreciate fast.
@Reddstagg I understand what you are saying but I don't think the "bangwagon has left the station" all sold YESTERDAY reported at prices ranging from $ 156 to $ 1526. Total spend $ 8576 average spend $ 476.
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@AEProgram Really good advice "If 99 is a lot for you avoid 4l's, a person is better off saving up for one good 4l than have a lot of meaningless 4l's" I will follow that path. You probably saved me several hundred dollars this weekend. Cheers.
@Reddstagg do you own any names?

No. Don't see a need for them. Don't even know where I'd start to market any of them. Way too complicated. I have hyphenated 3 and 4 letter domain names which are actual top shelf dictionary words which I can see immediately where I could market them. Time will tell I guess and the thing to remember is it is just one opinion and it is your money so if you feel that you should then you should.
My opinion based on observations

random letters especially if they contain letters x z j v q (maybe others) under 200

Real words like Cows Dogs Kite Dive 50k + (50k being the real low)

Pronounceables that don't mean anything to most people that pass the radio check like Flim Lenk 2k+

Pronounceables that don't pass the radio check Fylo Noby 600 +

4L's that end with I or C (inc / corp) that have a good first 3 letter combo can be more valuable depending how many companies can use it.

4L's that are the letters of a popular acronym are also more valuable.

If 99 is a lot for you avoid 4l's, a person is better off saving up for one good 4l than have a lot of meaningless 4l's.

Think about the buyers? How will they find you? With a domain that has a keyword maybe it will come up when they search godaddy or when they type it in, but with a random 4l you need to be real lucky someone even wants it.

The wholesale 4l market for meaningless names has not increased in years.

The price of pronounceable 4ls that pass the radio check and obviously 4l's with a real meaning continue to appreciate fast.

I'm only 55 years old. Could you please explain what a radio is. I've never heard of one or seen one in the wild lol.
@Reddstagg I don't mean to be rude at all mate but I'm not a hobbyist. This is a serious post about investing in names. I need to make mortgage payments.
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@Reddstagg I understand what you are saying but I don't think the "bangwagon has left the station" all sold YESTERDAY reported at prices ranging from $ 156 to $ 1526. Total spend $ 8576 average spend $ 476.

I know the numbers...I see them repeated many times. However, who were they sold to? Were they actual bricks and mortar stores or indeed online stores or were they sold to speculators with more money than sense. A product or commodity has a a very narrow window of opportunity. If you owned (insert famous name here) coin .com the time is now and will continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future. Pick any of your examples listed above...when will be the right time to sell them? This year or next? Five years. Will you just HODL?


@Reddstagg I don't mean to be rude at all mate but I'm not a hobbyist. This is a serious post about investing in names. I need to make mortgage payments.

Then, let me quantify that a little. Many experienced domainers use the fact that it won't pass the 'Radio test' as a reason to not like a name. There are many other forms of advertising channels that can be used rather than audible and in the modern world many of them are non-verbal. This is a business mixed with science, experience, determination and a little pinch of luck thrown in.

I started with $200 in my back pocket just over 2 years ago and I only spend money I can completely write off. If I stopped in the morning it would not affect me. I am at about 95% dot.coms and I am about 98% pure hand reg rather than purchasing and I think for me this is a model that can work. I sold my 4 names this year. Revenue was $1100 or so, costs were $72 and less commission etc total profit was $982.

There will be many paths and many different strategies. You have to find the one that works for you. Selling a particular name may be more difficult than actually monetizing it and this is where you experience will help you.
While no one is expecting all 5 letter or 6 letter domains having some definitive values, for some reason people expect 4Ls to have those and also fit some kind of formula.

While there are some general rules of thumb, each domain is unique and specific.

Unless you really understand what makes a specific 4L valuable, it is advisable to stay away from buying it. You might collect 100 4Ls each at $200 average cost and might struggle to sell even one at $3000 in a year.

Each 4L name has to be rigorously analyzed on its own merit, just like you'd do for 5L, 6L etc.

I firmly believe that while there are no hand regs for 4Ls since 2007, lots of them are not even investment grade and a good brandable hand reg could have better chance of selling at a similar price.

Don't be a Betamax. Be a VHS. Both systems basically got the job done. We may still use one for nostalgia. The other will probably never be remembered...ever again.

Now, if you had neither but could only afford a Betamax then that is what you got. Once you had bought one, I bet you couldn't even give it away.

IWQP - for example...good luck finding a company called Indoor Wholesale Quorn Packer. Yeah....its a 4L what. All the good ones are long gone and many are already in use. Can't think of any off the top of my head...why is that he wondered aloud.

Don't get to the yard sale too late and just buy the Betamax 'cos it was available.

This past week I hand regged a name for $6 and whilst it may not be the greatest domain name ever, I immediately could think of many different uses...vegetarian, veggie, vegan, online recipes, sandwich shop, blog etc etc.

It may never sell, but that is not so important as it cost me just $6.

Just don't try to jump on the band wagon once it has left the

Sure, what would I know...I'm just a Noobie too.


hahaha, betamax, i remember those. lol. :) and you couldnt play vhs tapes in them either.
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Four letter .coms are fun...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Many a 4L have passed through my hands, I still hold a few.

End users like all of the letters and the liquidity of these offers value whereas longer names are typically not liquid for reasonable prices.

And you can always come up with a cool acronym and make something unique to itself...

There are only 456,976 combinations - how is that for rarity?
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@Bob Hawkes Do you have any Namepros thread for this question? I tried the internal search box for one of your detailed studies but didn't know what to search. Cheers.
@Bob Hawkes Do you have any Namepros thread for this question? I tried the internal search box for one of your detailed studies but didn't know what to search. Cheers.
Interesting you should ask. Just a couple of weeks ago I wondered if I should do an analysis of 4L sales, but I have not yet done one. It is definitely fairly high on my target post lists though.
@Compassion I have also looked at the LLL com market mate. 17576 options If google is not mistaken. The name bio website says 189 LLL com deals since 2018 only three were under the $ 10000. Last month went for $ 30000, went for $ 43500, :wtf: went for $ 39900 Most transpired from sedo. I think LLL com is a game only played at the top table whence I'm dabbling my digits in LLLL com.
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@Compassion I have also looked at the LLL com market mate. 17576 options If google is not mistaken. The name bio website says 189 LLL com deals since 2018 only three were under the $ 10000. Last month went for $ 30000, went for $ 43500, :wtf: went for $ 39900 Most transpired from sedo. I think LLL com is a game only played at the top table whence I'm dabbling my digits in LLLL com.

Yes LLL provides just 17576 options (26*26*26)

Even rarer...
Lots of value in both markets.

Those prices show a good sampling of the current market, though as we know from members such as @Keith - a $xx,xxx LLL acquisition can ascend to high $xxx,xxx!
talk about trains leaving the station, this
must have been put together on mars. Sold for $350,000 on 5/12/2021.
talk about trains leaving the station, this
must have been put together on mars. Sold for $350,000 on 5/12/2021.

It is a good price, no doubt. The name is very robust though. Could stand for Bi(t)Co(in) and that in itself can make it worth 10 bitcoins, no? )

Plus, it is super rare. Prem Consonant + Prem Vowel + Co, there are only around 50 possible combos for that and, most, probably, are under use.
$100 is the floor, 80ish extreme low see on NP for random four letter for example lol

And “the sky’s the limit,” Only 456,976 of these liquid best ftw. (No hyphen, numbers)
Check for market snapshot. They contextualize the data like stock graphs. Any serious or aspiring investor should know of it. & NP still # 1 buy^^

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my favourite niche. as above, all have a base level of liquidity depending on which segment it falls into (random chars < random chinese premium < random western premium < random premiums < pronounceable < very pronounceable < word(s))

if $99 is a lot then i'd keep strictly to monitoring instead of better to get something above floor level that you'd only be able to flip on forums/DNWE for a similar price to what you paid.
Interesting you should ask. Just a couple of weeks ago I wondered if I should do an analysis of 4L sales, but I have not yet done one. It is definitely fairly high on my target post lists though.
Looking forward to when you post this.
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