
Message to Newbies - Domaining is DEAD!

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Just a heads up for anyone interested in buying and selling domains. You're better off learning something else. The domain industry just isn't there anymore. Everyone has the good domains already and they want top dollar for them.

The only thing that would get me a little excited is if there was a GOOD new extension about to drop with affordable prices and if you can get access to registering one the hour they are available to, or if you could get one from a reseller for dirt cheap.

I see all these crappy domains in the appraisal section and just sigh, or see people's huge list of wasted money and think "damn, they're stuck renewing them sh!ts even though we all know darn well they'll never sell".

We are in an amazing time right now, you can make money many other ways online, just find one that suits you. Domaining isn't one of them, if you are new.

Learning AI is where the future is, companies will pay you to figure out a ChatGPT prompt that helps them organize data, amongst many other things. You can use AI to bulk produce Youtube videos. You can use it to make creative picture to sell. You can use it to scan real items and sell the structural design to 3D printer users. These are just a few things, just Google "How to make money with AI". You can even use it to create websites easily.

You could get an online telephone support job.
Day trade.
Stocks are even better than this crap.

Invest in yourself and learn.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Yes, lots of (other) opportunities out there, but everything that easily comes up to your mind (including "how to make money with AI" guides) is or will be ultracompetitive and oversaturated or even spammed to death, thanks to AI and its scalability.
OP is obviously not successful in domaining and bitter..
Domains are no different to any other, easy access market investment. Far too many buy into the simplicity without having a clue of what drives the value. Instinct alone is not a good indicator of a worthwhile domain. Identifying what will probably make for a worthwhile stock investment takes years of experience. Domains are fundamentally no different.

The domain market is far from dead. The identifiers for good investments are just more complex today than they were many years ago. I find it quite strange that a domain seller should choose to advertise how poor a domain is ie, "Previously registered for 10 to 20 years " So it took the original registrant 10 years to realise what a poor domain. this was.
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I have to agree on some points, it is very rare to sell a domain which has no niche attached to it, I personally got into domaining only thanks to a secret knowledge, but not because there are good opportunities, the domain I sold for almost 2K was a made up word from gravity, and the owners of gravity bought it, I think this was pure luck, someone else would not bought it, I would still renew it like the others and drop at some point, even with secret related domains I m still afraid when renewing them, although I had offers from serious companies, they get pissed without reply when I ask huge price for such rare domains, but this is because they don't know the domains are the most important in the world, so my last hope lays in that secret knowledge, if someone is interested I m looking for investors, so we can grab the remaining jewels, even the one word domains in new GTLD are still available but I can't afford to buy more, many good domains could have been dropcatched, but again I can't do that, because I bought more than I can chew.

Also I have mentioned a couple of times, those who sell domains are pro squatters, because there is no better way to do it than this, only maybe do like Swetha register all the best domains in XYZ and sell them later like hot cakes.

It is very possible that you also must have a good reputation to sell domains, most end users trust top brands or marketplaces, or top known domainers, this can be another factor, but I have damaged my rep everywhere, most people just run away.
I also must hide my real full name just to make sure nobody digs me out, but I will make sure reveal that soon and build my reputation from 0 with trust.

It is not excluded that those who control everything in the world, they use AI to bring you down, to hide in searches, to hide your comments, to feed the AI with your thoughts and present as it's own, if you are a threat to them, I m sure they do this to me but their game will end soon, I will make this grabbers pay for everything they did to me until today, including big companies like apple, google, X, FB etc.

Yes I m also a squatter, but I occupy domains in a niche which no body understands but it means everything.

P.s. if someone knows my full name make sure to keep it to yourself!
It is not excluded that those who control everything in the world, they use AI to bring you down, to hide in searches, to hide your comments, to feed the AI with your thoughts and present as it's own, if you are a threat to them, I m sure they do this to me but their game will end soon, I will make this grabbers pay for everything they did to me until today, including big companies like apple, google, X, FB etc.

One saying in business / power that has stuck with me the most is "If you can't beat them, join them".
Not something I'm proud of, but in a dog-eat-dog world of greed, we all need to take matters into our own hands to survive, ethical or not, but that doesn't mean to disregard loyalty, as that is very important in many ways.

Thank you for your detailed reply, and thanks to others as well, I just read their replies.
OP is obviously not successful in domaining and bitter..

How can anyone new be successful without a large bankroll?

I'm successful in the sense that I was able to sell all my newbie hand reg domains for profit, bought a thousand dollar domain, and broke even by the time I got out of this "industry". So, no I'm not bitter, I'm content, I got in and got out before wasting more money and time. I'm just being real with people, and you can hate on that all you want, I expect many others to say similar.
Are you the same guys that create this
How can anyone new be successful without a large bankroll?

I'm successful in the sense that I was able to sell all my newbie hand reg domains for profit, bought a thousand dollar domain, and broke even by the time I got out of this "industry". So, no I'm not bitter, I'm content, I got in and got out before wasting more money and time. I'm just being real with people, and you can hate on that all you want, I expect many others to say similar.
Why do you generalize based on your own personal experience?! Just accept the fact that it didn't work for you and move on! There will always be better soccer players, scientists, Investors and better domainers.
eCommerce is Dead! Trading is Dead!

Seriously, trading domains for money will never end until there are domains.

If by "domaining" you mean buying reg fee domains and reselling them, well that was never productive anyway.
You can have a look at the OP's gems he tries to sell and you know the deal.
I think he created this thread hoping someone would buy his domains.
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How can anyone new be successful without a large bankroll?

You're moving the goalposts.

First it was newbies can't make it.

Now it's they can't make it without a bank roll.

Many newbies have a bankroll ;) And needing some kind of money to invest has pretty much always been a necessity in this business.

Yes the appraise section is littered with absolute garbage (which degrades the value of this forum a lot IMO) but to think this is what all newbies are doing is silly.

There are killer names dropping and in closeouts every single day. You just need to learn what to look for.
Domaining is dead long time ago, not talking about my design abilities, no one contacted me on my website to develop any logo or website, AI is eating everything and the sheeple promote their self destruction.
Would not be surprised that AI is developed to devalue even more human art which thanks God is copyrightable, I m sure the AI is going to take everything until people will work like robots/slaves for pennies.
I do agree that the prices for junk domains is INSANE these days... you can search for nearly anything and people always seem to want over 10k... But it's dead if your new and you look at it like "this is going to make me rich fast!" and your doing it not because you like it, but for profit only... I have a portfolio of around 50 names name, 50 names = roughly $500 renewals/yr. I don't have a ton of great names (I wholesale a ton of domains, to try and break even) but hold a few good ones I keep private. With my 50 names, I sold 3 decent ones and my profit was about $5500 in 2023, that pays for a lot more names, or just some spending cash... obviously this isn't my day job, but I just enjoy the hunt. I love searching auctions and trying to find gems, I buy names that I personally like, post them for reasonable prices, and others buy them sometimes... if they don't oh well I like it any maybe someday I will develop it...

I guess what I am getting at is if you are new, do this if you ENJOY it, or want to see if you will enjoy it. It's like $15/day for lunch nowdays, $10 is not so bad for something you get to keep for a year. I see newbies on here all the time "What name should I buy?" or "What's going to get me the most money?"... They ain't gonna make it...

If you actually enjoy this... start as a hobby, post a name for sale that you don't care if it sells because YOU think it's cool... if you grow, that's awesome, if not... your having fun!

If your an old-head that registered a ton of good names "back in the day", then yes, you have a HUGE advantage... but if you don't think you didn't need money back then, then your way off base. It's wayyy cheaper now then it used to be...

"After 1995, prices typically started at $100 per two years of registration.

As much as 30 percent of this was a fee that went to the National Science Foundation to create an 'Internet Intellectual Infrastructure Fund'. This fee was later reversed in 1997, bringing the charge down to $70 for two years.

Imagine spending $35-$50/year for that .com, not $10, and you are unsure if the internet was going to go anywhere or not, knowing if it's even really "legal" to sell the names you have, knowing that most people don't even understand how the internet works, let alone want to spend money on something that that cannot physically hold...

If you took that gamble back then, respect!

Ok, rant over, I am rambling now... :xf.smile:
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I not think domaining is Dead :) By the way. It became a bit older niche, but...
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The OP clearly didn’t have the patience to learn what is a good domain. For newbies thinking you can register any old junk and sell it yes for you domaining is dead from the word go.

This niche is not for everybody. It takes alot of grit and persistence. And learning. Anybody who wants an easy buck with no acquired skills should look elsewhere.

Of all the people who come in here saying they are new very few have the skills needed or the patience.
I keep my hand in...*giggle

but I have diversified my investment via Collectable Coins, Bullion Coins & Silver Cast Bars

I understand your frustration. The issue is not that the domain business is dead, but most people are sitting on dead land. Build something on it. Create value on it, breathe life into it. You can even use AI to help you.

I get that Google has taken all the advertising revenue from the internet. Yes, that is the greatest tragidy, but domain names are the greatest way to own something on the internet. All the other socials that people use are great at getting people into it, but the content and data you put there is owned and manipukated by them.

I own a lot of great domain names like Traveler and Nashville. I just bought WestlakeVillage.com which is an area close to where I live. I’m enjoying creating content on it and have even gotten a few businesses to comp some of my dinners and time there. I just started, and I will be using affiliates like bookings.com and viator to garner commissions. At some point I can sell the name for much more than I paid for it,

These are the opportunities that are abundantly available if you just take the time to do it, I enjoy it, so it’s not really work for me. I own the online brand for Westlake Village. It matters when I tell people in the area that I own WestlakeVillage.com. I can even offer email to those in the village like [email protected]

I think that is empowering. At some point the internet will become more immersive and these properties will become more valuable. Do not become a slave to AI. At some point the relationship you may have with it now will be a moot point later. Keep the control,
As said earlier, as long as domains exist, there is an after market for that always.
I understand your concern. It might not be your cup of tea. However it is not impossible to make it work. It is hard work though, requires lots of grinding, you need to be able to adapt all the time and pay attention what kind of domains get picked up on auctions, closeouts and more importantly what gets sold. Doing some networking and getting a mentor would not hurt either. Don't leave your 9-5 until your make money consistently and you make at least 2 times more than your yearly salary. Once you have a decent amount of saleable names success will come overtime. Of course there are other ways to make money online, but I assume you don't go over a crypto forum and post it is too late to buy bitcoin. Good luck with your future endeavours, but I would not give up that easily, you have everything you need in this forum to make this domain trading work...
Just a heads up for anyone interested in buying and selling domains. You're better off learning something else. The domain industry just isn't there anymore. Everyone has the good domains already and they want top dollar for them.

The only thing that would get me a little excited is if there was a GOOD new extension about to drop with affordable prices and if you can get access to registering one the hour they are available to, or if you could get one from a reseller for dirt cheap.

I see all these crappy domains in the appraisal section and just sigh, or see people's huge list of wasted money and think "damn, they're stuck renewing them sh!ts even though we all know darn well they'll never sell".

We are in an amazing time right now, you can make money many other ways online, just find one that suits you. Domaining isn't one of them, if you are new.

Learning AI is where the future is, companies will pay you to figure out a ChatGPT prompt that helps them organize data, amongst many other things. You can use AI to bulk produce Youtube videos. You can use it to make creative picture to sell. You can use it to scan real items and sell the structural design to 3D printer users. These are just a few things, just Google "How to make money with AI". You can even use it to create websites easily.

You could get an online telephone support job.
Day trade.
Stocks are even better than this crap.

Invest in yourself and learn.
I couldn't agree more with you...I think times are a changing with regard to domaining. You are right about the quality of crappy names being bashed about on Social Media and other appraisal forums. AI is partly to blame for all of this. Even Google imposing their algorithms on smaller websites are causing many bloggers to think twice about starting something new.. Having a TIKTOK/Shopify shop is now more profitable than domaining. So
BOLLOCKSTODOMAINS.com (is available)
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As said earlier, as long as domains exist, there is an after market for that always.
There's a market for literally anything, that doesn't mean it's good to get into.
Might as well get into selling old dolls you find in dumpsters with that kind of look, surely you can clean it up and sell it to an antique shop. There ya go.
No large bank roll required, just a willingness to learn and be patient. Build slowly. I started in 2016, and I only carry a portfolio of a few hundred names, but I make a tidy profit each year with very little time investment thanks to learning what sells.
I registered and keep some good domains about 10 years before the market bloom. I believe it's the best way for domain investment.
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