
.tv Are You Developing TV Domains?

Spaceship Spaceship
I agree with the saying, "Don't buy a domain you are not prepared to develop!"

However, something I have noticed with Dot TV domains is that is seems most domainers buy them with no real intention of development. Are you developing or not developing your Dot TV domains?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Bottomline, its not about lightning strike BIG funding or buy-outs. I make a day-to-day living from a developed network of TV sites, but only occasionally sell a name. That's where "the power" of dev is, for me.

i'm curious how you manage to do this. most development i see produces practically no income. what are some of the sites in your developed network?
Announcing a new service on the PRESS page is not the only service listed on the site.

But you know that... as you questioned me about another service, the Hotel channel, a few days ago. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and sent you the links.

We played this game before, 2 years ago. I thought you might have grown-up a bit; my bad.
Announcing a new service on the PRESS page is not the only service listed on the site.

But you know that... as you questioned me about another service, the Hotel channel, a few days ago. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and sent you the links.

We played this game before, 2 years ago. I thought you might have grown-up a bit; my bad.

the whole thing doesnt make a lot of sense to me and if i were a hotel manager seeking to implement a custom local information channel i wouldnt feel very comfortable picking your service as i cant hardly tell what your service is. yet you declare that you have more business than you can sell ads for? frankly sir i doubt it. when i asked you what hotels are using your service you tell me to just go to any hotel and ask them if they have such a channel and if not to seek you out. ridiculous.

i'm also rather unclear on what benefit of doubt *you* need to be extending to *me*
i merely asked you about statements you made here. i have been skeptical of the claims you've made here for quite some time and you have done nothing to back them up. quite the opposite you've always been rather cagey about revealing any genuine details.

it seems to me anyone involved in the kind of business you describe would be considerable more forethcoming. myself if i were selling the service you describe i would be HAPPY to tell people about my business and would provied specific details. i wouldnt be cagey about even revealing the BRAND NAME or where my service is actually implemented so that anyone could take a look. i would be proud that people would go see it and use it. so if anyone is playing a game, sir, i submit that its entirely you.
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I gave you the hotel and channel info two years ago. Do you see the link in the thread? Add that link with the TV Cloud link and you have "links".

Sending me a pm that your "too lazy" to visit the old thread for the info so send you the info again -does not fly. Your laziness is not my problem. That's not being cagey. Thats respecting my time.

The fact that you 'don't get it' is also not my problem. My clients get it. Everybody I know gets it.

One last time. TV Cloud is a channel network. The hotel channel is 1 channel in the network.
Here is "the brand"

You "used to" live in L.A., you say your visiting L.A.... why give me shit, for 2 years now, when you can go to the downtown L.A. Sheraton and turn on channel 38?

If you still doubt it, and as you claimed your a "potential advertiser"... why not pay to put a video on the channel? When you see it case closed. If you don't see it -you got a case.

Put your money where your mouth is at... or shut up. I wasted enough time on your BS.
why doesnt the hostility of your response surprise me? interesting that you have plenty of time to make hundreds of posts here but when challanged you are suddenly a busy executive who doesnt have the time for "my bs". that says a lot, sir.

for the record when i said i was "lazy" it was in the context of my having asked you if one of the hotels was the downtown sheraton. as i related to you i seemed to recall you having said before but i didnt want to pour thru years of archives to uncover be certain and i asked you to confirm. apparently i was correct, was i not, that the sheraton was one of your hotel partners (or so you say - whatever) but rather that simply confirming this fact at the time via pm you said nothing but you now attempt to publically berate me and insist that my laziness isnt your problem. well my mind isnt that lazy is it sir? i was right and you were merely being hostile, obstinant and obfuscatory, is that not the truth?

i never doubted the existence of your network, what i am skeptical of are the many claims you made of it, like its being "revolutionary" and the millions of user minutes thing, among others. if you're a legitimate publisher that sells advertising why dont you have a media kit or at least a basic rate card that explains exactly what the medium and the metrics are. how many viewers, what demographics, cost per thousand impressions, etc? i mean you've been doing this for at least 2 years now right?

you started this thread by saying you make a living with a network of developed tv sites and after i asked "how" you finally sent me a link to tvcloud, from where i fail to see any developed tv sites. does anybody else see them? i could've be missing them so i asked you in sincerity - giving you sir the genuine benefit of any doubt that i had - to elaborate, show me exactly what it is i'm missing. but again what i got instead is your continued stonewalling and hostility.

i am not in la, i did live there once a long time ago and i do occasionally visit. now when i visit next is the sheraton the only place i can view your hotel network or are there other venues? i find it very difficult to understand how you could have millions of user minutes racked up if thats the only place. there must be dozens or hundreds of others, right?

now tv stuff aside you make an interesting claim in some of your other websites
regarding your personal history. you say you are the person responsible for coining the phrase "no blood for oil"? i think perhaps you should get an award but before i nominate you i need to know that its true. i'm sure you understand. who at greenpeace can corroborate?
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i am not in la, i did live there once a long time ago and i do occasionally visit.

So its safe to say your NOT a "potential advertiser" for my L.A. Hotel channel, as you initially claimed in seeking "the numbers".

My "hostility" stems from the use of an avatar, with a "finster" handle, who resorts to deception and dishonorable insinuations to get information.

I do not hesitate to give information to forum members who identify themselves... this is who I am, this is what I do, here are my sites. Perhaps we can work together on this or that.

I put my cards on the table. If you have more questions... put your cards on the table. Fair enough? I mean, your at the point of publicly questioning me about an "interesting claim" from two decades ago... and you haven't even shown me the courtesy of telling me your name.

Also, I too am skeptical about the claims you make. In this thread, you say "i've made a few million in the domain game." and "i've already sunk well over a million in my collection".

I'm sure you understand, if I ask you to corroborate these far-out claims? Can you post your recites, listing the domains and how much you made, or 'sunk into' them?
I'm sure you understand, if I ask you to corroborate these far-out claims? Can you post your recites, listing the domains and how much you made, or 'sunk into' them?

ROFLMAO (and prob so are a dozen others at this point!)

you now demonstrate your ingnorance not just of the .tv space but domains in general. seriously if you dont know who the f i am you obviously dont know jack s***.

lets see, i founded and once ran a cooperative parking company with about 100 clients. i sponsored several of the big domain shows including TRAFFIC and DomainFest. the former owner of this forum is a personal friend of mine with whom i've bowled and played tournament poker with. dotcomgod the owner of the other big forum is also a friend as is rick shwartz, frank shilling, paul stahura (founder of eNom - i was in fact enom's first large wholesale customer , at least thats what paul said) and probably 200 other prominant domainers and industry leaders.

the parking company fizzled shortly after my wife died and i took to the bottle to numb the pain. and let me tell you something more sir, she was a beatiful vibrant woman in the prime of life and it was in large measure due to scam artists and con men that she lost her life so tragically soon. i count aholes like rupert murdoch in that catagory as he uses his media empire to decive hundreds of millions daily in order to further his own agenda of personal profit. damn him to hell and all like him large and small. and thats why i own .tv!! i started buying them in 2007 and intend to use them to create a media network devoted, seriously devoted to uncovering the great deceptions of our age and to bringing the truth to light.

as for my names if you care to know may i suggest you peruse the whois and figure it out.

seriously eye, all i really wanted the other day was some info on how you make the day to day living you claim. you brought it up afterall. i thought maybe (assuming you wernt bulls***ing) theres an angle for me and others and figured you might want to be willing to share at least a little info. but nooooooooooooooo! you couldnt do that.

i'm done with you now, sir. go back to whatever it was you think you were doing. i could care less.
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You really are full of yourself.

1). I don't park my domains. Never did, so I'm not in your circle jerk.

2). Don't follow you, or any of the folks you mentioned, and not every domainer buys into those auctions.

3). Don't have any domains with enom.

Bottomline, I have not lost my ass with any of those things, like you have. But at least you got bragging rights.

The fact that you assume everybody in the domain game knows who you are shows what a pompous ass your are.

And, of course there's an angle, and I am sharing with others in the biz, but you show no respect... because everybody just knows who you are. I didn't, so an introduction woulda been nice.
Gentlemen - please stop - it's not becoming to either of you - thanks
---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------

Gentlemen - please stop - it's not becoming to either of you - thanks

I'm through.
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The fact that you assume everybody in the domain game knows who you are shows what a pompous a$$ your are...

...While I realized that he is a man of means, I did not know exactly who the "Finster" is. However, after reading the small bio he posted on this thread, I am able to at least now comprehend why he carries a cross and seems to be so abrasive to people (as I have personally experienced), but I wouldn't necessarily consider him "pompous" as he has left and is leaving a more positive mark on domaining than many here.

While he may be wrong on many of his assaults on domainers who may think differently than he does, the reality is I can harbor no malice or ill will toward the man

My props to Cate for the sincere suggestion she gave to both...
well...even if i don't know many of you ( i can't remember you all unfortunally ), it is to my compreension that finster is a nice guy, but when someone says that he/she thinks there are always haters or people that can't understand our point of view.

when you say what you think you are bound to gain enemies.
finster always said it how it is..fair play to the guy
finster always said it how it is..

Do you really believe he was a "potential advertiser", like he said?

... when someone says that he/she thinks there are always haters or people that can't understand our point of view.

Do you really think there is a "hater" in this thread? Or that I, or fin, did not understand the others point of view?

The question of this thread is "Are You Developing TV Domains". I replied Yes, and I make a living from my development. Fin, all but called me a liar.

That's not me hating.
That's not me misunderstanding him.
Nor is it him saying it like it is.
This has been very interesting to say the least.

I sure want to know how to develop a great dot tv site and have the potential to make any sort of income at all with that developed site, and I think that is the sentiment of most here.

This is kindof a sad thread though considering alot of people here look up to both of you guys, Eye, with your constant creative visions which sound like some have come to life, and Fin w/your Insanely Top Notch Geo Dot TV Portfolio and your History (which I did not know all of that either about you).

It seems to me as if there could NOT be a better partnership here in this space than the 2 of you guys together.

I think it would be cool if you 2 could use your resources, networking, knowledge, contacts, portfolios, etc, and build something Bad Ass that we could all learn from and be proud of.

The bottom line is to further the success of any of our dot tv developments and hopefully also make some money!

Peace Bros :)
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This has been very interesting to say the least.

I sure want to know how to develop a great dot tv site and have the potential to make any sort of income at all with that developed site, and I think that is the sentiment of most here.

This is kindof a sad thread though considering alot of people here look up to both of you guys, Eye, with your constant creative visions which sound like some have come to life, and Fin w/your Insanely Top Notch Geo Dot TV Portfolio and your History (which I did not know all of that either about you).

It seems to me as if there could NOT be a better partnership here in this space than the 2 of you guys together.

I think it would be cool if you 2 could use your resources, networking, knowledge, contacts, portfolios, etc, and build something Bad Ass that we could all learn from and be proud of.

The bottom line is to further the success of any of our dot tv developments and hopefully also make some money!

Peace Bros :) is available .......that's all i'm saying :snaphappy:
This is a thread about development. The op did not ask for a back and forth and then for other people to chime in on that. Back on topic. Off topic posts will be deleted.
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The question of this thread is "Are You Developing TV Domains". I replied Yes, and I make a living from my development. Fin, all but called me a liar.

eye is presenting a rather heavily edited and most definitely slanted version of events.

despite how he would like to portray things the thread is clear and speaks for itself. the only bit thats not in-thread are two short pm's.

i did not suddenly call him a liar, i merely asked where i could view his network next time i'm in la. he then replies in thread "dont you live in la" and says "pm sent". the pm contained no info, instead he sent this:

"Finster, Ask whatever hotel your staying at if they have a 'local information in-room TV channel'. If they do, watch it. If not, then suggest they get one."

i dont understand what his point was in sending me such a msg and i replied:

"thats not very helpful. wernt you in the sheraton downtown? i seem to recall that one being mentioned but its been a couple of years and i'm too lazy to look up the archive. i usually stay at the renaisance in hollywood. is your thing there? whats your brand name?"

of course i never got anything back and thats the end of pm's. back to the thread its very easy to see that at every turn rather than simply give us all some details about his development he instead becames more hostile, and to be fair my line of inquiry does become progressively more pointed.

rather than bicker some more how about could we start over and maybe you show us some of your developements, eye, the ones from which you earn a day-to-day living? that still is the main point of these thread afterall. i may be skeptical but i never had a hidden agenda, i really just wanted to see what it is you were on about. i went to tvcloud, as you posted, and did not find any. where can they be seen?
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Hello all. I want to share and post my thoughts on developing .tv domains through my own experience and where I think the opportunity to make a profit is.

The trouble with building out even small scale websites on .tv domains is that they require much more investment than non video driven websites. This is because you don't just have the cost of the website design and development to consider but also the costs of producing unique video content and the streaming and hosting costs of video content is much more.

Regardless of this there are still opportunities to make profit if you do have the time and investment. In my opinion the opportunities lie in offering unique video content providing lessons and training material within niche areas.

For example one client website I worked on that is offering a similar service is and I can say with certainty there is profit on the initial investment. Unique content is key here because nobody will need to visit your website if they can find the same video on Youtube or wherever.

The big question is what hobbies and interests do you have and how could you offer your experience of those to others?

All in all it's about taking a big slice of pie from a small niche rather than a small slice of pie from a big niche. In my opinion of course.

You make some good points Dave, I do think you can curate and make something out of that if willing to put in the time. But exclusive content that you own is the best way. Most people are not really looking or able to do that. Everybody does not have an expertise to shoot video and be an expert on a topic.

Partnering with the right person can make sense, you have the domain they have the video skills and expertise on the topic.
Hotels across L.A. can tune into Hotel TV Station's to show guests whats going on downtown L.A. as that's were most of the action is.

The service extends to public display screens at visitor centers, bars, hotel lobbies, etc.. One hotel even plays it in the elevator

So the point of saying ask your hotel if they have it, and if not -they should get it. Is just that. Why is that "not helpful'?

This info is at TV Cloud, on the InTownTV channel... so when you say you did not understand my PM reply... and that there isn't 'any development' at TV Cloud, I'm left wondering... what's up with that??

I think your looking at TV development with a 'word web' brain, which about "the page". TV development is about the player, 'the screen is the page'. Everything is in the screen, email, social networking, ads, including banners, and the 'site' menu.

And, the player is a widget... so the page is redundant, and it often gets dumped. In the hotel room its all screen, in the bar, on connected TV's and so on.

TV Cloud is all about the screens. The page don't mean a thing. My model is Not centered on 'driving traffic to the page'. Its about letting traffic take the screen where its going, and putting the screen IN (high) traffic locations.

Also, TV is Not a CPM medium. Its a branding medium... so "the numbers" you seek do not tell the tale. Its not about "hits", its about time on screen. That's what delivers higher value to advertisers and users and creatives.

... i merely asked where i could view his network next time i'm in la. he then replies in thread "dont you live in la" and says "pm sent". the pm contained no info, instead he sent this:

"Finster, Ask whatever hotel your staying at if they have a 'local information in-room TV channel'. If they do, watch it. If not, then suggest they get one."

i dont understand what his point was in sending me such a msg and i replied:

rather than bicker some more how about could we start over and maybe you show us some of your developements, eye, the ones from which you earn a day-to-day living? that still is the main point of these thread afterall. i may be skeptical but i never had a hidden agenda, i really just wanted to see what it is you were on about. i went to tvcloud, as you posted, and did not find any. where can they be seen?
You make some good points Dave, I do think you can curate and make something out of that if willing to put in the time. But exclusive content that you own is the best way. Most people are not really looking or able to do that. Everybody does not have an expertise to shoot video and be an expert on a topic.

agree 100%.

Partnering with the right person can make sense, you have the domain they have the video skills and expertise on the topic.

might have to be more than one individual or company. video production skills are an animal in their own right and it would be pretty rare i think to find lets say a master brewer who also was an ace videographer. maybe if the subject of class was video production...

another thing is most domainers arnt qualified to manage the business admin aspects of such an endevour.

do you have any thoughts on how a partnership would be structured, what the division of equity would look like? my sense is the domainer's share would (and rightly should) look a lot smaller than most would like or be willing to accept. maybe less than 10%. poss far less (like <1%) depending on how much capital is needed to float the boat.

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

Hotels across L.A. can tune into Hotel TV Station's to show guests whats going on downtown L.A. as that's were most of the action is.

dont tell that to people in the valley. or in hollywood. or pasadena. or by the beach. or in any of the dozens of communities that make up greater la. i bet a lot of angelenos these days have never even been to downtown except maybe to pass thru it on the 101. however for guests in the downtown sheraton youve hit the nail on the head.

but hey, thnaks for FINALLY offering what i asked for, simply a link to the channel! even if i did have to hunt around a bit for that.

but let me ask you this - is this the network of develped .tv sites that you make a day-to-day living from? it doesnt really seem iike it. so can i get a link(s) to view some of those? please?

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

Also, TV is Not a CPM medium. Its a branding medium... so "the numbers" you seek do not tell the tale. Its not about "hits", its about time on screen. That's what delivers higher value to advertisers and users and creatives.

i beg to differ. i subscribe to adage and in case you dont know tv most definitely is a cpm medium. at least in the eyes of every major adveertiser and their agenies. cpm numbers, along with demographics, rule and if you miss that you miss everything in the ad sales game.

but you are right its not about "hits" and i never offered that it was. it is about how many are watching, who they are, and for how long. please dont think that i'm stuck in some "word web" mentality. since the late 80s (about when i got my first modem - a nifty 1200baud jobby) i've been a student of mcluhan.

[ame=""]Marshall McLuhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
McLuhan is known for coining the expressions the medium is the message and the global village, and for predicting the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented."
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