Spaceship Spaceship
Read the following carefully:
Watch the first episode of Survivor and decide who you think will be the winner
of this season's show. I will be giving to the winner of this contest 500 NP$.D-:
There is a limit to the number of entrants since each NPer can only have 1 pick.
You must be the first to post the name of the Survivor contestant and no one else
can choose the same after. You must post your choice after I've made my pick (in
an attempt to win my own NP$ back :P).
I will post my pick sometime between 18-24 hours after the time of this post.

Here is a list of the Survivor contestants:

Ashley Trainer, a spa sales rep from Maple Oak, MN
Ben Browning, a mixologist from Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Bolan, a police officer from Campton, NH
Brett Clouser, a T-shirt designer from Calabasas, CA
Dave Ball, a fitness instructor from Los Angeles, CA
Elizabeth Kim, a urban planner from New York, NY
Erik Cardona, a bartender from Ontario, CA
Jaison Robinson, a law student from Chicago, IL
John Fincher, a rocket scientist from Santa Monica, CA
Kelly Sharbaugh, a hairstylist from West Hollywood, CA
Laura Morett, a office manager from Salem, OR,
Marisa Calihan, a student from Cincinnati, OH
Mick Trimming, a doctor from Los Angeles, CA
Mike Borassi, a personal chef from Marina Del Ray CA
Monica Padilla, a law student from San Diego, CA
Natalie White. a pharmaceutical sales rep from Van Buren, AR
Russell Hantz, a oil company owner from Dayton, TX
Russell Swan, a attorney from Glenside, PA
Shannon “Shamo” Waters, a sales rep from Renton, WA
Yasmin Giles, a hairstylist from Sherman Oaks, CA
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Wow, Natalie pulled it off, huh?

I haven't had a chance to see the finale yet. I knew a spoiler had to come along was looking too good to be a season sweep. :)

I learned of the final vote by searching for a video of the finale on CBS site.

Can't find it posted on Youtube yet.... or perhaps it won't be? Only spoiler clips on CBS site. :'(

---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 AM ----------

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500 NP's ....:)
I want to thank everyone who made this award possible. :blink:

It was a pleasure enjoying the season of Survivor with everyone involved.

It was a great season regardless of any winnings ....but the 500 NP's is a nice little bonus! :tu:

Hope to do it again in February.

I'll even ante up some NP's for season 20 if everyone decides to do it again.

Merry Christmas! :santa:

---------- Post added at 03:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

I wish lol
:hearts: She must have sweet talked them! lol

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 AM ----------

Thought I would post this for reference. Survivor Samoa Episode 15 ...........YouTube - Survivor Samoa - Episode 15 - Part 1/8 [dcdice]
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Congratulations Changeback on your successful choice of Natalie White
as the Sole Survivor in this season's Survivor Samoa.

500 NP$ is on its way to your account.

"I want to thank everyone who made this award possible."
Surely you meant to say you wanted to thank Russell Hantz. :P

Good to have had you on board for the fun. ;)
With some people chipping in we could do this again for season 20.
Less than 2 months away. B-)

Merry Christmas!
Thanks for organizing this contest and congrats to Changeback. I really thought Russel was gonna take, oh well. Thanks again!

MSN Outreach
I tally up the bets that i saw that involed me. Let me know if you agree lol

mis and me bets (sorry i kinda won a bit on these)

a). if Jaisson Mick or Russel win 1 million i will pay you 25np

if Natile or Brett win 1 million you pay me 25np

john wins 25np

b) I'll start the bets off with 100NP that Russell will not be in the running for the million (i accepted the chalenge in post #309 and #321 )

Russell was in the running for the million

john wins 100np

c) The poo skirt/dress bet

mis you never had the tinyest chance of wining this one so ill strike it from the record

TOTAL Mis owes me 125np Paid in Full
Phil and me

a)ill give you Russel and Mick

i get Jaison Shambo and Natile

for 25 np (Favorite Survivor)

Phil wins 25np

b) the monica vs russel talking bet.

Phil made a clarifcation on post #323

and i opted out of the bet as being too hard to judge on post #324

c) and lastly its my opinion that all bet based on one person voting for who they want to take to the final two do not count since this didnt even take place. There was a final 3 (survivor seem to keep changing that around)

TOTAL I owe Phil 25np I Paid in Full
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Wouldn't the dress have just topped off the season

All paid to johname...if I owe any more - let me know :)

Thanks Phil for putting this together :hearts:
Thanks for playing msnoutreach. You certainly had the '2 best picks' of anyone here
with Russell coming in second place and Brett Clouser likely within seconds of
winning that final immunity challenge, which would have made him a lock for getting
the votes at Tribal.

Thanks to everyone else who made their picks on this thread. :tu:

Special thanks to mis_chiff and johname. I had a lot of fun with you two. :)

johname, as for the "the monica vs russel talking bet". Either way I was so far off on that
one I'll give you the 25 and we can call even.

Russell made 2nd place based on the jury votes so...
Ahem! *looks to mis_chiff and holds out hand* (25 NP$ please :] )
Jeff Probst, the face of Survivor for 10 years, believes Russell Hantz should have
been the winner. He said that Russell dominated the game and that the jury was
bitter and voted against Russell, not for Natalie.

Here's the link to the article:
Probst: Russell should’ve won ‘Survivor’ |

Did anyone else see that Russell has a website up (registered less than 2 weeks ago)
I do agree with Jeff somewhat. But I personally think Russell outsmarted everyone and played the game, WITH the idol, better than anyone on Survivor....ever!! I say 'idol' because if he had not found the first one ....he most likely would not have found the next then the next.

But Russell would only have been the Sole Survivor in a game where there was no jury vote (with the strategy he played). Too bad he wasn't thinking about this at least as much as he was the hidden immunity idols. Think of how it could have been different. What if there were more Foa-Foa on the jury? or if he had taken Shambo instead of Natalie? It wouldn't have been too difficult to convince Mick and Jaison that it would be easier to get votes going against Shambo than Natalie....especially with a majority Galu jury.

I believe Russell should have at least thanked everyone on the jury in the same respect he showed Brett when he told Brett he "was the kind of guy he would want his girls' to marry" (although this was probably a strategy lie).....instead he disrespected each of the jury as he collected the wooden masks as Natalie showed sportsmanship when she payed tribute to the fallen 'Team' mates. This was probably the main reason the jury voted against Russell because of his obvious trickery over every single other player. No one else came close to his deception. Monica tried to decieve him for one last pot shot against him before her eventual fate.

I know oil men mentality and Russell is no exception. They play mean and when they get the ball they slam it through. I was surprised Russell was in the tanker business. He has more of a field personality and his strategy is reminiscent of the guys who have to convince landowners (before someone else does) to lease their properties for oil prospecting. It's a hard sell sometimes but well worth the rewards and it leaves them mean but green at the end of the day. For this reason.... lots of millionaire oil junkies tend to float close to the bottle. :zzz:

Good to see he's back for Season 20 !! :tu:

Can we just go ahead and put Russell down for my Villain pick in the next contest? :D And Rupert for my Hero?:kickass:
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Great post Changeback. I'll just put out my opinon of the Russell / Natalie
thing and then move on.

At the beginning I didn't like Russell. I found his tactics with the water
dumping and socks burning to be crude and he seemed to be disrespectful
to women (maybe he just said those things for the camera, playing the
part of 'villain'). As for the tactics, he's obviously a guy who thinks very
far ahead and functions well in chaos. So he was creating a situation
where he could be a controlling influence. Still a very risky strategy but
it was working for him. Very few people could pull that off. By the end of
this season I had great respect for him as a Survivor player. As a person
in real life, I'm still not sure who the real Russell is but I'm not too concerned
about that. He put on a good show and helped make this one of the most
interesting seasons of Survivor ever.

As for Natalie. She's a very nice woman and in some ways was able
to outcharm Russell. As Jeff Probst said, being under the radar is
a "legitimate strategy". But she needed Russell to win the game. She
only had 1 path to victory (letting him do the dirty work) while he had
many paths because of his ability to adapt to situations. He also kept
Foa Foa alive in the later part of the season which was crucial for Natalie
to win.

The fatal flaw for Russell was that he thought the game was over when
they were sitting at final Tribal before the votes were cast. He should
have shown the lighter easier going side of himself instead of the intense
side of himself. That's the big thing I noticed while I was watching this play
out. He had entered that room with the wrong attitude.

But Natalie won the million and that's good for her, it's a lot of money,
and Russell probably has more attention and fans than any other
non winner of Survivor and he should be happy about that. They had the
strongest alliance in the game and they both came out winners.

Can we just go ahead and put Russell down for my Villain pick in the next contest? :D And Rupert for my Hero?:kickass:

I like that idea of picking 1 from the Villain side and 1 from the Hero side. I'll have to go with that
for the next contest. Hmmm, already making your picks? I don't think the official list is even out yet.
(If you have a good source please tell ;) ) Well you certainly do show initiative (I was actually
considering picking Russell myself) and since you will be the defending champion I'll say sure, but
both Russell and Rupert have to be actually playing. Otherwise you'll have to do your picks over,
after I've made my post launching the new contest with my picks made. (A perk I'll get for putting
300 NP$ into the prize pool :D ) I'm hoping others will contribute to the pool, maybe like 50 NP$
or so. We can work out a system where people who put in NP$ can get first pick.

Looking forward to Season 20. B-)
Great post Changeback. I'll just put out my opinon of the Russell / Natalie
thing and then move on.

At the beginning I didn't like Russell. I found his tactics with the water
dumping and socks burning to be crude and he seemed to be disrespectful
to women (maybe he just said those things for the camera, playing the
part of 'villain'). As for the tactics, he's obviously a guy who thinks very
far ahead and functions well in chaos. So he was creating a situation
where he could be a controlling influence. Still a very risky strategy but
it was working for him. Very few people could pull that off. By the end of
this season I had great respect for him as a Survivor player. As a person
in real life, I'm still not sure who the real Russell is but I'm not too concerned
about that. He put on a good show and helped make this one of the most
interesting seasons of Survivor ever.

As for Natalie. She's a very nice woman and in some ways was able
to outcharm Russell. As Jeff Probst said, being under the radar is
a "legitimate strategy". But she needed Russell to win the game. She
only had 1 path to victory (letting him do the dirty work) while he had
many paths because of his ability to adapt to situations. He also kept
Foa Foa alive in the later part of the season which was crucial for Natalie
to win.

The fatal flaw for Russell was that he thought the game was over when
they were sitting at final Tribal before the votes were cast. He should
have shown the lighter easier going side of himself instead of the intense
side of himself. That's the big thing I noticed while I was watching this play
out. He had entered that room with the wrong attitude.

But Natalie won the million and that's good for her, it's a lot of money,
and Russell probably has more attention and fans than any other
non winner of Survivor and he should be happy about that. They had the
strongest alliance in the game and they both came out winners.

I like that idea of picking 1 from the Villain side and 1 from the Hero side. I'll have to go with that
for the next contest. Hmmm, already making your picks? I don't think the official list is even out yet.
(If you have a good source please tell ;) ) Well you certainly do show initiative (I was actually
considering picking Russell myself) and since you will be the defending champion I'll say sure, but
both Russell and Rupert have to be actually playing. Otherwise you'll have to do your picks over,
after I've made my post launching the new contest with my picks made. (A perk I'll get for putting
300 NP$ into the prize pool :D ) I'm hoping others will contribute to the pool, maybe like 50 NP$
or so. We can work out a system where people who put in NP$ can get first pick.

Looking forward to Season 20. B-)

Good points......I agree.
Russell and Rupert would be a great combo going into the next season.... :hehe: but this would be a huge advantage imo. Maybe go by whose picks were voted off this season in order from first to last and the first to lose their pick would have the first pick and so on....or possibly pick numbers somehow to shuffle it up good?

The only person known right now to be on for season 20 is Russell. I cannot see Rupert and Fairplay turning another shot down. Rich from the first Survivor went through some legal stuff, and some jail time I believe so I am not sure he will be back on. There was another villain that played against Rupert in both seasons Rupert was in (1st all-star) that I am pretty sure will be back if they ask him to. He was good enough to make it far in his first survivor but was booted quickly in the All-star survivor. I can't remember his name now but I can picture him coming back as a villain.

I'll put in 300 NP for S20 sole-survivor, 100 for runner up, 50 NP for over all best 2 picks (if applicable) 25 for each survivor who finds an immunity idol, and 10 NP to each immunity challenge winner. :tu: Just want to give back for Phil starting this great Survivor contest plus it makes it even more exciting for everyone next round.
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Rich from the first Survivor went through some legal stuff, and some jail time I believe so I am not sure he will be back on.

That dude needs money he will be back if asked no problem.

Please Please no Boston Rob!, and espeially no side kick Amber!

I got one from the past, remember the woman that was a nerdy girl scout leader? She made the mistake of not picking johnny fairplay to the final two, and ended up lossing an easy million. She would be an easy "hero" but she wont last long.

And there was the dude that was a dolphin trainer that let some girl make him feel so bad that he gave up an imunity win for her? That guy will be a hero.

There isnt an officail list, people are just saying Rupert and others because they saw them during the season 20 tease.

Oh and all this Russel deseves to win stuff, Rus didnt do the most important thing all winners must do. Win early so your tribe is a majority on the jury.
I'll put in 300 NP for S20 sole-survivor, 100 for runner up, 50 NP for over all best 2 picks (if applicable) 25 for each survivor who finds an immunity idol, and 10 NP to each immunity challenge winner. :tu: Just want to give back for Phil starting this great Survivor contest plus it makes it even more exciting for everyone next round.
Wow. That's your entire winning and then some Changeback. That's going to make
quite the prize pool. Thanks! :tu: We'll figure out how people will pick after the holidays. :)

Please Please no Boston Rob!, and espeially no side kick Amber!
I doubt they will have Amber but you know they're gonna have Boston Rob.
He's one of Survivor's top challenges competitor.
yeah but dont you think the produces are thinking it would be "cute" to have rob on the villains and amber on the heros? Plus how many notiable heros have there been? I am more intrested in seeing the heros list then the villans list.

remeber the jet fighter pilot Terri? a couple years ago. Nobody could beat him at the chalenges even though he was like 40 something
I hope they have a whiney so and so, everybody needs one of those :D

When does it start again? What day is it now? :'(
Please Please no Boston Rob!, and espeially no side kick Amber!

Not so sure Amber would be back without a guarantee that she would be starting in the same tribe as Rob. If I remember correctly, Boston Rob was her security blanket and protector in the game. I couldn't see her lasting long without him.

I'd like to know how they put together the Villain/Hero tribes in the next one. Mixed or Segregated? I would love to see to each their own to start. It would be interesting to see how the villains co-exist with one another.....peacefully? :]

There was another villain that played against Rupert in both seasons Rupert was in (1st all-star) that I am pretty sure will be back if they ask him to. He was good enough to make it far in his first survivor but was booted quickly in the All-star survivor. I can't remember his name now but I can picture him coming back as a villain.

Now that I think about it I believe his name was Rob also. Younger kid about mid 20's or so , shorter black hair and a self-proclaimed bad guy. He was right up there with Fairplay and Russell in game tactics. He and Fairplay would get along great I'm sure.
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i ave nvr watched dis show... heh

well bt i ave listened vry mch bout it n wil c in dis weekend...

gud luk:bingo:
When does it start again? What day is it now?

:O..... :'(

well at least it's..........

........MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :santa:
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When does it start again?
Starts February 11 and will be a 2 hour episode. ;)

There will also be a 1 hour show on February 4
that will look back at the past seasons of Survivor.

COMKIND! Got yourself a new name with your winnings. :D
COMKIND! Got yourself a new name with your winnings.

And a charity ribbon! Plus restocked NP's for next competition. :blink:
••• has published the list of Survivor players
for Heroes vs. Villains. Here it is. :) List

Below is the list as they published it. For a description of each player visit the link above. :tu:

The "Villains":
Tyson Apostol (Tocantins)
Randy Bailey (Gabon)
Sandra Diaz-Twine (Pear Islands)
Danielle DiLorenzo (Panama)
Russell Hantz (Samoa)
Jerri Manthey (The Australian Outback/All-Stars)
"Boston" Rob Mariano (Marquesas/All-Stars)
Parvati Shallow (Cook Islands/Micronesia)
"Coach" Wade (Tocantins)
Courtney Yates (China)

The "Heroes":
Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands/All-Stars)
James Clement (China/Micronesia)
Colby Donaldson (The Australian Outback/All-Stars)
Cirie Fields (Panama/Micronesia)
Amanda Kimmel (China/Micronesia)
"Sugar" Kiper (Gabon)
Stephenie LaGrossa (Palau/Guatemala)
J.T. Thomas (Tocantins)
Tom Westman (Palau)
Candice Woodcock (Cook Islands)
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Thanks Phil, Happy New Year! :hearts:

Boston Rob D-:

Russell is going to wipe the islands with this crew....unless
someone is smart enough to get him out the first vote!

If he makes it past the first eviction - he'll win it :p
Happy New Year (and New Decade) mis_chiff. :)

I'm not surprised that Rob is in it (and that Amber is not).
Rob will definitely do very well.

The big question I have, after seeing this list, is how Randy Baily
and Russell Hantz are going to get along. :-/ Could be interesting.

Oh, and nobody knows who Russell is. A big advantage for him!
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